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*Unknow POV*


Tired. So tired. My body is aching from running. I can still hear my dad screaming my name. Yelling at the top if his lungs, saying if I don't come home this instant I'm grounded.

I can't go back. I won't go back there. That is not my home anymore. After the attack, my dad hasn't been the same. He is cruel and mean. Calls me names and sometimes hits me. He says he is having the worst of it, but I think I am. I'm the one who had to deal with find them. I found them, not him. He may have lost his mate and two pups, but I found them lying there. I'm five years old and found my mother, and my older siblings dead.

I can hear him in the distance calling my name in the distance. He sounds worried now but if I went back, I would end up worse then I already am. I have one big bruise on my side and probably some broken bones. I can hear my mother telling to keep going, push through the pain, but I know it's all in my head.

"I can't stay here anymore,'' she says, as she runs away from the only place she knows. "I'm not putting up with all the shit he is putting me through." Running through the night to find somewhere she belongs and feels welcomed. Her pack was wonderful and showed sympathy towards her losing her mum and siblings, but her father became a monster. It's a cool night in Portland, Oregon and she didn't bring any clothes with her.

She thinks what her dad said is true......maybe it is my fault. "This is all your fault, why didn't you push hard for them to stay, you were a mistake." Mistake, she can still hear those words echoing in her head. She slows down and start to walk to catch her breath. "I can't stop now, I can't go back to that horrid place and get beaten for the rest of my life" she mumbles as she picks up speed again.

She makes it to a forest, knowing that she isn't in Oregon anymore but where is she? At this point she doesn't care. She finds a nice sturdy tree and climbs up to take a nap. By morning she sees a dinner and walks in. The old lady seems nice and asks if she was alone. She nods her head and looks down. The lady seemed to know what that was and brought her some food to eat.

"If you need anything else deary, please let me know.," the old lady says with a soft smile. I say thank you and eat. After I finished eating, I asked how much I owe her and she just shook her head, "no need for that deary, my treat," she said with a smile. Before she left, I asked her where I am and she replied, "You're in Alaska. Juneau, Alaska dear."

I left the dinner and started walking into the forest more. It's getting darker by the minute; in the distance I saw an old looking house. As I got near it, I noticed it was still in good condition. I checked to see if anyone was there, but no luck. I went to the front door and the door was unlocked. I walked in to find the inside very nice and clean.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I could hear the echo, must be abandoned. I walked around and found the kitchen, some bedrooms and bathrooms. Everything in the house was working, cable, water, and electric. I wandered into the master bedroom and found some clothes. In one drawer I found some cash stashed in a bag. I was able to go to the store and buy some clothes. My mum taught me how to do laundry so I can wash my clothes.

Alaska. Huh, of all the places I never thought I end up here. At least I get to stay here now. No one to bother me and no one to get close to. I can't handle any more deaths of my loved ones and family.

I smiled and mumbled, "I'm free. Free at last."

*end of flashback*

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