53. A Couple Of Weeks

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It was five in the morning. Bloody five in the morning when the couple and their kids were woken up from their peaceful slumber by a yelling gorilla.

Adam was already fully dressed for the short vacation while River glared at him in her hoodie and leggings, yawning to herself as she slightly rocked the two babies sleeping in her arms, their heads on each of her shoulders.

Mateo tried to hold one of them but they just downright refused. Grumpy and cranky Lucas and Kiara need their Mommy. Nobody could replace her. Not even their Papa.

Though River didn't show it, the fact that the kids clung onto her made her happy. They had been spending most of their time with Mateo since they found out that he was their Papa. River did want them to forge the kind of bond the babies had with her but that didn't mean that she wasn't a teeny tiny bit jealous of all the attention her little darlings were showering their father.

She knew it was immature and stupid and senseless but she just couldn't the jealousy and feeling of triumph.

River glanced over at Mateo and quickly averted her eyes when she saw that his eyes were already on her, a ghost of a smile on his face.

Ugh.. His stupid confession last night had gotten her completely flustered and confused.

River Johnson was pretty sure that the dumbass had said that on purpose to make her feel exactly the way she was feeling right now. And also to make her blush – that seemed to be an all-time agenda of this Mafia dude.


"What is taking her so long?" Mateo wondered out loud. Alessia was yet to come out. Adam had sworn that she was the first one he had woken up, way before he had even gotten ready, just for the sake of torturing her and by the time that he was ready, she had even brought out her luggage which was sitting by the door. But the assassin was nowhere in sight.

"I am not very sure that she's upstairs. She could be doing one of the security guards for all we know." Adam commented.

River mentally smacked her head while Mateo smacked Adam's. Mateo did not get mad at his best friend for saying that about his sister because one, the guy was blunt and there was no taking that away from him and two, Mateo had thought of the very possibility himself.

Alessia enjoyed sleeping around as much as she enjoyed murdering people. She even had a phase where she would kill her victims mid-sex. His sister was fucked up and he had no one to blame but himself and his family for it.

"Owww.." Adam whined like a kid, rubbing his red temple.

"Go see if she is upstairs. And if not, go find her wherever she is." Mateo said, moving closer to River as he pointed at the stairs.

"Why me?"

"Because I can't climb stairs-" Adam and River looked at him with a 'Oh really?' look. "And River's holding the kids so you go."

Adam muttered to himself as he walked away towards the stairs.

River cleared her throat, composing herself and turned to her dearest baby daddy.

"How long are we staying there?"

"A couple of weeks." He hummed. He looked very amused, enjoying himself quite well.

Not funny dude.

Why did he make things so freaking awkward? At least awkward for her because he was enjoying every teeny bit of it, while she was flustered and a stuttering mess.

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