115. Now Disperse

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4 days later...

"Abrianna." River smiled as she walked into the room where Alessia and Mateo's Nonna was seated.

"I hear your husband killed his own brother in law." Abrianna spoke coldly.

River was surprised how Abrianna looked pretty calm and composed about the whole murder, when she was the one who was fiercely defending Antonio when he was here the last time. It was just how Abrianna Costello worked. She would protect you with her life if you are a loyal subject to her, despite whatever you do, but once you are dead, she couldn't give a shit.

"I think you should rephrase and say his own sister's abuser and rapist." River was shocked to see the slight flinch, so invisible that she didn't almost catch it, when the old woman heard the terms used. River guessed that at the end of the time, deep within all the coldness, Abrianna Costello really did care for her family. Or maybe it was an illusion. Whatever. It did not matter.

Abrianna stood up from her seat and walked out into the lawn, leaving River along in the room, only for a few seconds.

"There she is!" Lucas' voice boomed as two pairs of tiny footsteps hurried into the room, followed by their paternal grandmother's.

"Here I am!" River exclaimed as she laughed, picking both her babies' up and placing them on her hips. She knew that they were going to outgrow her soon, so she was going to carry them around for as long as she could.

"Alessia is talking about making some announcement." Katrina spoke, looking lovingly at her soon to be daughter in law, and grandchildren.

River blinked. Oh my god, it was happening. She was finally going to tell everyone.


"At the deck by the pool. Almost everyone's there." Katrina looked out at her mother in law. "Except for you two. Go on. I will get mother and be there."

River nodded and adjusted the kids on her hips one more time before walking off to where the others were.




"You know what this is about?" Mateo's eyes were on Alessia, but River was having her own fun watching the condition dear old Adam was in. He looked ready to wet his pants.

"Yep." River shrugged.

"Why aren't you telling me?"

"Because there is something else I need to tell you."

"You are pregnant?" Mateo's eyes were so big and full of hope when he asked that.

River mentally face palmed. "Shut up stupid-"

"This better be good." Abrianna said as she walked over with Katrina.

"Um, English please." Lucas held his hand up politely.

Alessio patted the head of his cheeky grandson while Mateo and Katrina looked pleadingly at the old woman not to say anything mean to her great grandchild.

"You both NEED to learn Italian, is that clear?" She said after a pause. "You are half-Italian, it's in your blood. Next time, I see you, you both better be talking in Italian." She gave Mateo a pointed look in the end and he got the message.

Lucas and Kiara nodded earnestly.

"Okay, Great Nonna!" Kiara exclaimed.

Abrianna clenched her jaw and sat down and huffed, "America has infiltrated my bloodline."

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