6 Do People Actually Rehearse at a Rehearsal Dinner?

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The rehearsal dinner is stunning, but that comes as no shock to anyone in attendance. Gwen will always outdo herself, and if she wasn't the Tresais, I think there would be a fruitful career in party planning waiting for her. The terrace and surrounding yard are almost ready for the wedding tomorrow. The flowers have not yet been brought out, but the charcoal colored seats are precisely placed on the stone and grass and are wrapped in plum tulle. Not all Society members are present, but they will be tomorrow, and since the terrace is not nearly big enough to fit everyone, the grass has to be utilized as well. Iris and I will have a long aisle to walk down together tomorrow.

At the end of the aisle is an archway made of fake wooden branches. Tomorrow the flowers will be added to it as well.

Above, string lighting is draped thickly enough that it creates its own stary night sky between us and the one in the heavens. It's only here for the rehearsal as the wedding will be at sunset, and the reception will be in the ballroom.

There's a cake that might as well be for the wedding and food that somehow tastes better than it does every other night at the Estate even though it's made by the same chefs and cooks.

How is it that Iris and Jonas are getting married? Two people who mean the world to me and yet are taking my world away.

The rehearsal part of the night went well, and Gwen is off somewhere complaining about the minute details that went wrong. Vienna sits at a table with Percy, Eli, and Seong-ho, smiling and laughing with them.

Only a few minutes ago, I was sitting there, but now I stand on the terrace, a flute of champagne in hand, searching for Alastair and surely looking as if I'm a lost teenager at their high school dance, wondering where their date went and about to realize she snuck outback with another guy.

Not that I have experience with school dances.

Jonas and Iris have moved to the end of the aisle, standing under the archway with my mother and father. They don't spare me a glance. When did I become the least important person at an event?

"How are you feeling?"

I turn, finding one of my male cousins standing before me, his head only coming to my chest.

I have an exorbitant about of family members, and cousins, and a lot, a lot of male cousins. Some first-some second-some even three times removed. I've met everyone who lives at the Estate. We share a home after all.

But do I remember this one's name?


"My brother is getting married," I say to unidentified cousin. "I'm happy, sad, and relieved he's off the market." For your sake. Not mine. It's not like there would really be any fight if we were both after the same girl. I'd win. The rest of my cousins may have some trouble should they go head to head against Jonas. "How are you doing?"

My cousin grins. "Great. Gwen has really out down herself. Hey, do you remember that time when were younger and Gwen locked us in the pantry?"

I blink.

"We were there for hours. I thought we'd be there till my Expiration Date."

I have no idea what he's talking about. "Certainly. I'm even surprised we made it to this wedding with how long we were trapped."

My unidentified cousin throws his head back, laughing.

Heaven, save me.

"What did I miss?" Alastair sidles up beside me, so quietly I almost jump out of my skin.

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