63 House of Toilets

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I've discovered something new that I hate—entering a bathroom and calling out someone's name when there are clearly other people inside but not knowing if the person I'm looking for is as well. Inserting myself into the space of others has never been uncomfortable for me, not when it's them who should be uncomfortable. Especially as I usually would just start kicking in the stall doors.

But one, Amoria isn't big on flimsy stall doors, and two something about this damn planet is changing my personality, and damn me twice if I let it take any more of me.

I exit the bathroom, no stall doors attacked, and travel along the corridors to find the other bathroom—my last hope.

Nope. Nope, damn the planet and me. Earth Colton would never be putting all his faith in a house of toilets.

Shaking my head, I round a corner. The other bathroom has to be around here somewhere. Jonas and Iris have to be—

Ahead of me, Percy stalks across the hall, shoving Elisana along with him, his hand twisted in her dress. He slams her against the wall and leans against her, his face twisted in a snarl.

I approach slowly. Neither seems to notice me.

Earth Colton would have commanded everyone's attention.

Percy presses his arm against her throat, forcing her to tilt her chin up, as the muscles in her neck strain. "Where is he?"

"I—don't know." She grits her teeth, nostrils flaring. "They know—" She tries sucking in a breath. "They know I don't want to help them."

Percy's gaze narrows, his expression tightening.

"I don't know their plan."

"And I should believe you?"

She lowers her eyes to his, and the next instant Percy's mouth is on hers.

I drag my hand down my face as she kisses him back—practically attacks him. So this is happening, and the sight is too familiar. Not because Percy and Vienna kissed. No, I've all but erased that from my memory.

It's Bently and Abella that it reminds me of. And they didn't work out in the end. Not that I want Percy to fall for Elisana and her lies.

Percy pulls back, his chest heaving—far too much for someone who only had been kissing for maybe thirty seconds if that. "This is a terrible idea." Obviously. "I can't trust you."

Elisana curls her fingers into his jacket. "I wish you would."

Percy kisses her again, and I finally clear my throat. My brother and Iris could be dying right now.

My cousin and the Tresais's daughter break apart, and while Elisana looks mortified, Percy looks a bit scared.

I cross my arms. "How's the search coming, Iota? Find anything interesting?"

Percy lets go of Elisana but doesn't move away from her.

Footsteps—rushed. "There you are."

I look up at the voice. A man with bright red hair and dressed in a Veil uniform runs toward us.

Percy crosses his arms. "Ean," he says to me. Oh. This is the not-very-good assassin.

Eean skids to a stop in front of Percy and Elisana. "I've just got word." His chest raises and lowers deeply. "They have them."

I push my cousin and Elisana aside. "Where?"

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