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Faline stands with Melissa as Mr. Stilinski storms in and meets with Mr. McCall.

"Hey. He is not coming in" Mr. Stilinski says.

"This is the only hospital that will take him," Mr. McCall says.

"What about County?" Mr. Stilinski asks.

"You'd be surprised how fast things fill up when a guy like this needs surgery," Mr. McCall says.

"They turfed him to us?" Melissa asks.

"Yeah," Mr. McCall says.

"If County doesn't want to operate on him-"

"Someone has to" Mr. McCall cuts Stilinski off.

Melissa wraps a protective arm around Faline as the gurney is wheeled past. The patient's arms and legs are strapped down and he is accompanied by armed guards. Melissa holds Faline close as William Barrow is wheeled past them.

"Somebody needs to do his pre-op interview," Melissa says.

"Who usually does that?" Mr. McCall asks.

"Me and Faline," Melissa says with a sigh.

"Alright," Mr. McCall says. "Try to keep in mind exactly what this guy's capable of. He's a former electrical engineer who decided to walk onto a school bus with a shrapnel bomb. He left four students dead and a fifth with no legs"

"Just out of curiosity," Melissa says. "Have any of his psychiatrists made any progress?"

"I'm told he says the same thing almost every day," Mr. McCall says. "When he gets out he's going to do it again. And next time, he's going to get it right"

"Mr. Barrow," Melissa says. "Do you understand that scar tissue has formed around a piece of shrapnel that remains in your body from a previous injury and that it is now blocking vital functions?"

"Yes," Barrow says. "But can she talk to me instead?"

Faline takes the clipboard.

"Do you understand that we must put you under general anesthesia tomorrow morning to remove the obstruction?" Faline asks, her voice shaky.

"Do the kids still pull pranks the day before Halloween?" Barrow asks.

"You mean Mischief Night?" Faline asks.

"Where I'm from we called it Hell Night," Barrow says. "But you're not from around here. Where are you from?"

"Ireland," Faline says.

"And yes I understand," Barrow says.

"Do you have any allergies to any medications?"


"Are you taking any medications other than the ones listed here?"

Melissa moves next to Barrow cautiously as Faline continues reading.

"Temazepam. Divalproex" Faline says.

"I just take what they give me," Barrow says.

"I'm going to need to listen to his heart," Melissa says, joining.

"Not you," Barrow says and Melissa glances at Faline and he nods.

Faline cautiously takes the stethoscope from Melissa before moving the hospital gown so she can access his chest.

"In," Faline says. "And out. In. In"

Faline freezes when Barrow moves close to her.

"Why don't you just ask the question you really want to ask?" Barrow asks as Faline listens to his heartbeat.

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