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The school bus pulls up outside of Motel Glen Capri. Faline grimaces when she climbs out of the bus, taking in the grotty building.

"We're going to be murdered here," Faline says.

"I've seen worse," Scott says.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asks.

"We're going to die," Faline says. "This looks like the start of a horror movie"

"Listen up," Coach says. "The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely"

"I'm going with you two" Faline whispers to Scott and Stiles, taking a key.

"And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants" Coach calls. "Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves"

Faline walks into the room and grimaces.

"If I don't die I'm going to catch something," Faline says as they flop back on the beds.

"I have four," Stiles says.

"Four?" Scott asks. "You have four suspects?"

"Yeah, it was originally ten," Stiles says. "Well, nine technically I guess. I had Derek on there twice"

"You thought Derek was out there sacrificing teenagers?" Faline asks and Stiles shrugs. "Derek hates most teenagers, he wouldn't want to spend any more time around them than he had to"

"So who's number one?" Scott asks. "Harris?"

"Just because he's missing, doesn't mean he's dead," Stiles says.

"So if he's not dead our chemistry teacher is out committing human sacrifices," Scott says.

"But why now?" Faline asks. "Harris has been teaching for years"

"What if it's somebody else from school? Like you remember Matt?"

"How could I forget?" Faline says.

"We didn't know that he was killing people" Scott continues.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry what?" Stiles asks. "Yes, we did. I called that from day one, actually"

"Yeah, but we never seriously thought it was Matt," Scott says.

"I was serious. I was quite serious actually" Stiles says. "Deadly serious. No one listened to me"

"I did," Faline says.

"Who were the other three?" Scott asks.

"Derek's sister, Cora," Stiles says. "No one knows anything about her and she's Derek's sister. Next, your boss"

"My boss?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, your boss," Stiles says. "I don't really like the whole Obi-Wan thing he's got going on, you know. Freaks me out"

Faline and Scott just stare at Stiles blankly and the boy scoffs.

"Oh my god. Have you still not seen Star Wars?"

"I swear if we make it back alive, I will watch the movie," Scott says.

"No promises," Faline says.

"Who's the last one?" Scott asks.

"Lydia" Stiles says. "She was totally controlled by Peter and she had no idea, so-"

"What about Miss Blake? Something about her creeps me out" Faline says.

"As if" Scott scoffs and Faline rolls her eyes.

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