ch 30 : cedric

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It was the day of the last task in the Triwizard Tournament, and you felt just as nervous as you had for the last two tasks, but you did have confidence in your brother. You didn't know if he would win, but you were more confident in his ability to get through the task safely since he had done so twice already.

You sat with Susan and George in the crowd with Fred standing just beside his brother. After Harry went into the maze and you waved to him, you all sat around and had to wait. You couldn't see what was happening, and the waiting was the worst part for you. As a way of distracting you, Susan had started grilling George and asking him dozens of questions. George was answering each one in the least serious way he could, and you were constantly giggling at his antics while you were snuggled into his side.

Susan narrowed her eyes at George and questioned slowly, "What's your favorite color?"

George stared her down and recited, "Neon pink."

Loud laughter bubbled out of you at the thought of this. This made George lose his serious composure as he grinned down at you. He squeezed you with the arm he'd draped around your shoulder, and he wildly shook you around. You were laughing the entire time, your eyes shining as you looked up at him. Susan grinned at the two of you.

Time passed by quickly as Fred and George kept joking around, and Susan kept pretending to be judging George's every move, but you knew that your best friend was already the biggest fan of your relationship with the boy.

You were just starting to wonder when the tournament would end when Harry and Cedric appeared with the cup. You almost cheered until you looked at your brother's face and instantly could tell what he was feeling.

Pure agony.

You looked at Cedric and saw his unblinking eyes, and you screamed as you bolted down the stands and onto the field before anyone could stop you. People were smiling at you as if you were excited. Didn't they realize what was happening?

You were already crying by the time you reached Cedric and dropped to his side. The celebratory music came to a halt as you screamed over him. He was discolored and cold. His eyes were unblinking and empty.

One of your best friends was gone. Your sobs could be heard throughout the stands as a silence replaced the previous excitement. You took his hand and looked up at your brother's horrified face as he cried over Cedric's body. Professors tried to pull you and Harry away, but neither of you were letting this happen as you both protested through tears.

Harry was traumatized, and you were destroyed.

Professor Snape tried to take you away from Cedric's body while Professor Moody pulled Harry off somewhere else. You screamed, "No! Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" You shook off Professor Snape while you clung to Cedric.

Amos Diggory had joined you at his side at this point, and he was crying, "My boy! My boy!" His anguish only added to your own as you held your friend's lifeless hand.

When you noticed George crouching beside you, you turned and sobbed into his chest. After a moment, you let him pick you up and carry you away from the scene. You gripped onto the front of his robes, and you knew you were soaking his clothes with your tears.

You had never cried so much in your entire life, but the image of your lifeless best friend was playing on repeat in your mind like a terrible melody stuck in your head.

George just kept whispering, "I'm here. I'm here. Y/N, I'm here."

Before long, George got back to the Gryffindor dorms with you. He took you to his room to give you some privacy, and he sat down in his bed while you never let go of him. He rubbed your back soothingly as your cries slowly settled into hiccups. Your body still shook violently.

George rubbed circles into your back and held you against his chest protectively until he felt your breathing deepen and your shaking stop. He peered down at your face and noticed that you had fallen asleep. He waited a few moments before he slipped from underneath you and covered you up with his blankets. He settled onto the floor with some spare blankets and pillows from his trunk. He listened to your soft breathing while you slept, wishing he could have taken away the devastation he knew you were feeling.

 He listened to your soft breathing while you slept, wishing he could have taken away the devastation he knew you were feeling

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