ch 3 : what was that, potter?

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3 Years Later

It was the summer before your fourth year, and you sat at the Weasleys', chatting with Hermione and Ginny upstairs. A lot had happened in your first three years, and sometimes you couldn't believe all that had changed for you.

You had made long-lasting friendships with your fellow Hufflepuffs, and you now considered Susan and Cedric to be some of your closest friends. You had been so proud of Cedric for getting the role of prefect last year. He had been desperately wanting it, and you were so proud of how hard he worked to prove himself for the position.

You had found family in Harry, the two of you learning that you were twins who were separated after everything You-Know-Who did. No one knows how the both of you survived, but his scar and your lack thereof was something that many people constantly whispered about.

Harry was called The Boy Who Lived, but you were called The Girl Who Hid. That was what everyone seemed to believe. That you were a coward who just hid when You-Know-Who came for Harry, the chosen one. You guessed people forgot that you were just an infant too.

Despite the struggles and attention that came with being a Potter, you found family in the Weasleys' and Hermione through Harry. You were dragged on all of their adventures with the trio, just nearly escaping death each time. Even though you hated the danger the four of you faced, you never wanted your friends to face their battles without you. You knew you would never be able to live with yourself if you didn't go with and something were to happen to them. So every time they came up with a terribly dangerous plan, you sighed and chased them into the face of danger.

People liked to whisper about that too, saying that you were really supposed to be a Gryffindor, not a Hufflepuff. People always believe that they know more than they do. You didn't run into danger because you were not afraid of death; you ran into it because you were afraid that your friends could die if you didn't.

Besides, no one ever said that a Hufflepuff couldn't be tough too.

June had grown distant. You spoke sometimes, but she mostly socialized within her own house, creating her own friendships there. You didn't really mind, knowing you were doing the same, and you enjoyed the conversations you were able to have with her.

You sat with the girls as you pondered all of this. When Molly called for Ginny to come downstairs quickly, you and Hermione stayed put on your beds. Ginny grumbled her entire way out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Once she left the room, Hermione flopped back on her bed and sighed, "I cannot believe how quickly the summer is drawing to a close."

You flopped back on the bed as well and huffed, "Part of me is glad to get back, but I also know that every year feels harder than the one before it."

Hermione hummed in agreement. You began talking with her about your upcoming classes, and which ones were likely to be your favorite when the door flew open roughly. You sat up on your elbows to see who your intruder was, unsurprised to see it was the twins. You plopped onto your back once more and chuckled.

Fred quipped, "Why did you stop talking when we came in?"

Leaning against the door frame, George cheekily finished, "Were you talking about us?"

You pretended to gag at their suggestion while Hermione just stared at them with a disappointed shake of her head. "You two are impossible," She sighed.

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