Chapter 26: Engagement Ball

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Dear Diary,
Who would have thought I would end up
enjoying balls? I, who normally spend
most of my time in solitude.

Mrs Grey had outdone herself with the preparations for the engagement ball. Angel would have to remember to thank her. Again. The crowded ballroom at Pensington House was dotted with large flower arrangements featuring plump damask roses and peonies, and after finding out that Angel liked ivy, Mrs Grey had fashioned long ivy garlands that hung above every entrance. White silk cloths with rose petals sprinkled over them covered the refreshment tables.

Because of the summer heat, the large doors to the garden were wide open, allowing the faint breeze inside, and out in the garden, differently shaped lanterns lit a path between the flowers and trees. A string quartet sat at the upper side of the room, providing music for the dancers. Guests had already proclaimed the ball a squeeze, which was high praise in London circles. It was amazing how quickly the Howertys' aunt had planned the ball and still done such an amazing job. Two weeks to plan an event of this scale was quite impressive.

It had been a lovely evening so far with everyone coming forth to offer congratulations after an initial toast to the engaged from Mrs Grey. At the moment, Angel and Nathaniel were mingling separately, but now and then he would seek her out in the crowd and impart a few teasing words or share what he had been told during congratulations. She was in great spirits, and not even Joan glaring daggers at her from across the room could spoil her good mood.

She was marrying one of London's most sought-after bachelors. It didn't seem real. When she first arrived in London, she had been resigned to marry the man her parents had chosen for her, and even after turning Philip down, she had never truly considered the possibility of marrying a man like Nathaniel. But here she was. About to marry the man of her dreams. If only he could love her, too.

"You look happy," James muttered. He'd not left her side the whole evening and had glared at Nathaniel every time he approached. Apparently, he was serious about not wanting to see them together until the marriage.

"I am happy," she admitted. "It's been a lovely evening."

He grunted his reply while his eyes swept the room.

"James, you don't have to nanny me." She smiled.

"What do you mean?" he asked defensively.

"I know you've been staying near me all night to make sure I don't spend time alone with Nathaniel," she said with a small laugh. "But you really don't have to."

"I think I do."

"This is our engagement ball," she reminded him. "It's not as if we could sneak off to Gretna Green with no one noticing us leaving."

He grunted again while looking across the room before looking back at her. "Are you certain?"

"Yes. I can take care of myself this evening."

After a moment's silence, he nodded, but he didn't leave. Instead, he stared at her and opened his mouth before closing it again.

When he said nothing, she asked, "Was there something else?"

"I do want you to be happy, you know." He made a face and the tips of his ears reddened. "I've not always been there for you in the past, but I really want you to be happy."

She reached up on her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, James. I know you do. And I am happy."

"I'm glad," he mumbled. Then he smiled and touched her cheek gently. "Play nice tonight."

He disappeared into the crowd and she looked after him for a moment with a smile playing on her lips. As she had suspected, he made his way to a nice-looking woman with brown hair. Alone for the first time that evening, she glanced towards the tempting doors to the garden. There were other people outside, so it wouldn't be improper for her to enjoy the evening breeze. Moving in that direction, a rich voice behind her brought her up short.

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