Chapter 22: Damage Control

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Dear Diary,
A reputation is a fragile thing. A few words
alone shattered mine. But my saviour
stepped up, sacrificing himself for me.

"I hear congratulations are in order."

Nathaniel groaned as Wortham threw himself into the upholstered chair next to his, where he sat at White's nursing a glass of brandy. His plan to stay away from Angel had gone up in flames the moment he uttered those fateful words.

'I'll marry her.'

Angel was the last person he should marry if he wanted to ensure he stayed emotionally detached. He already liked her far too much. But Chettisham had forced everyone to reevaluate when he spread those vile rumours. The idea of Gowthorpe being forced to marry her off had made his insides lurch. Angel married to someone else? No. It felt wrong. And who would offer for her when they all believed a bounder like Chettisham had compromised her? No one respectable.

What he had done was the honourable thing. The respectable thing. And he had to marry eventually, anyway. So why not her? It was the perfect solution for everyone. It saved her from social ruin and he could seduce her without guilt. The memories of her pliable body under his in her bedroom consumed him. He would never seduce an innocent. But if she was his wife...

Remembering his friend's presence, he grunted. "How did you find out? It's not common knowledge yet."

"I met Gowthorpe on my ride in the park this morning. Chettisham truly is an arse." Wortham motioned for a footman to bring him a drink before looking at Nathaniel, and there was no mistaking the amusement glittering in his eyes. "How fortunate that she has her very own knight in shining armour."

"I'm hardly that," he muttered.

A footman brought over a glass of brandy for Wortham before disappearing again. The earl picked it up and thoughtfully tapped the glass with a finger. "Glad you took my advice."


"I told you to marry her and now you are." His friend grinned. "A regular cupid, that's what I am. I should offer my services to the masses."

"Bloody hell, never suggest such a thing. Who knows what havoc you would wreak." Nathaniel shook his head and took a sip of his drink. "My decision to offer for Angel had absolutely nothing to do with your suggestion. I am helping her out of a terrible situation. And yes, it has the advantage that I can finally seduce her."

Maybe bedding her would finally get her out of his system. It could be all he needed to rid himself of this obsession. After that, she might become exactly the type of woman he had planned to marry all along. Pleasant enough to be around and have a family, but no threat to his heart. He buried the immediate and instinctive denial of that line of thought deep in the recesses of his mind, refusing to consider any other reason for wanting to marry her.

"That shiny armour is looking a little tarnished," Wortham remarked with a wry smile.

"What do you want from me?"

"I just want to know when you're going to admit to yourself that you love the chit."

He turned his head sharply to stare at his friend. "Pardon?"

Wortham only grinned and shrugged. "Point taken," he said with an amused look. "You don't love her. Keep telling yourself that."

With a chuckle, Wortham finished his drink and left to speak to another friend, leaving Nathaniel to glare after him. Few people were as annoying as the earl when he thought he knew something you didn't. He loved ribbing his friends and making insinuations. The more annoyed they got, the more he enjoyed it. It would be a good day when the earl could be fed some of his own medicine. One day, Wortham would find a woman he could not resist, and no matter how long and hard he fought to avoid marriage, he would find himself in love and unable to resist. And when that day came, Nathaniel would be right there with him. Laughing.

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