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Taking one last look at her , he shut the door .

Dennis couldn't believe she was here on his bed . That she slept in his arms. Her puffy eyes closed, her sweet snores filling up the empty room?

Damn! How did he get so lucky?

For the first time , he saw the crack in her , the one where he could see the light pouring out. .just a crack.

She wanted to let him in.

A warm sensation filled up his body, filled up his entire existence , it was exhilarating and yet scary.

Beautiful and yet beastly.

God! He felt her against his skin, against his heart. .how can love be so assuring and yet. . uncertain.

He could feel uncertainty looming on him, waiting to strike at any moment.

Strike. .

Involuntarily, his hand flew to his cheek and he winced.

A wicked smile spread on his face because holy shit! She got him good.

So good he tasted blood in his mouth.

He was proud of her little performance. His fire breathing dragon could take care of herself.

Turning around , he knew where she would be.

He knew where exactly he would find her.


Gloria Dickinson was looking her ugliest. She stared at the golden vintage mirror , she stared hard enough to break it.

Her under eyes had bags, her eyebrows were non-existent . .she touched her dry chapped lips. .so thin you could barely see them. .

Her wispy golden hair looked like she got electrocuted. Her tank top hanging on her , slipping down her shoulder because of how little she ate.

All she had were glorious breasts.

At least she had those.

If Jane could see her now . . Oh! The horror!

Deep down she knew Jane wanted to be like her, she wanted to consume whatever belonged to Gloria. If it were her Birkins, her wardrobe or her boyfriends.

She knew Jane must think of her a some ditzy Goldilocks. Who couldn't think past her looks , her fame, her money. .

Well, I don't have the looks. .all I have is a paint on, some hair extensions and lenses.

She took the innocent black rectangular box laying on her princess like dressing table and opened it up.

No one at the school can ever think she had this on her. If anyone saw her with this. .they will eat her raw and spit out her bones for the rest to consume.

She will be kicked to the curb by Jane first and everyone later.

Quickly, she took it out of the box and snapped the box close.

Looking in the blurry mirror, she put on her big rimmed glasses suddenly the world became more sharp, more focused.

She sighed in pure ecstasy.

And that's when the door of her room slammed open, startling her for a second. She could see the intruder in the mirror. .

And he was shirtless.

Slowly, she turned around at him as he made his way, around the clothes, hair extensions and pizza boxes on the floor, to her.

She could see he was definitely not in a good mood. She was completely at ease while looking her ugliest because Dennis was the only one who knew her the way she was and not the image she had painted for the world .

The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Where stories live. Discover now