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|Allie |

The school was lit up with buzz.

Usually my school is always buzzing with break ups, rumors, affairs , bitching but today it was much worse than regular.

"Did someone get pregnant?" Mia whispered, her eyes going wide behind her  glasses.

"This isn't glee. I'm sure we will find it out in the next class. Just wait for it." I told her as we walked in the busy corridor.

Girls were giggling more than usual. Everyone looked excited , ecstatic. Boys were huddled in a group, talking over , slapping each other's back ... laughing.

What was happening?

"I gotta pee." Mia said , grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bathroom.

"I can't handle this excitement. Excitement makes me pee." Mia exclaimed, as we entered the girls side.

And lo behold!

Lip gloss gang was in full swing, they were discussing a . . party. Giving each other high five .

"You should totally put your legs on display." Jane Lestor said to Gloria Dickenson.

"I know right? This time I'm gonna pull every man in my direction."

A girly laugh.

"You should try for Dennis this time . ."

Mia stared at me .

I kept my face as blank as Gloria's mind was . .while my heart caught fire. It withered and burn . .

"I'll wait for you ." I told Mia , telling her to go because I saw Gloria's cat like eyes glint in my direction.

"Well well . .if it isn't the Ice queen herself. . gracing us with her presence." Gloria cackled as Mia vanished into the bathroom, probably thankful.

I sighed , wishing I could say Gloria was a stereotype bitch , the mean girl of my school. .the cheerleader who was out to get the hero of my story.

But no. .she wasn't .

All she did was thunder but not rain. In fact she was a nice girl , just a bit airhead. She was beautiful as rich people usually are.

"What do you want?" I cut through the chase. Not interested in mindless bickering.

Jane popped her hip, her blond hair spilling on her shoulder . " Dennis. She wants Dennis."

Gloria kept her eyes trained on me looking for loopholes, for a slip of emotions.

I shrugged my shoulders. " He's in the library. Get him however you like."

Deep down the fire burned , making me feel queasy.

"Oh she's feeling . . .charitable today." Gloria clapped her hands in delight.

" When it comes to him, I can't help but feel like that." I deadpanned.

Gloria frowned, tapping her claw like nails together which grated on my nerves.

Meanwhile Jane look disappointed. She must have been expecting a cat fight to break out.

How Jane of her.

"All Dennis do is follow you around  like a love sick pup and you? You didn't even bat your eyes while I talk about having him? " Gloria asked, wonder clear in her voice.

"She must be insane." Jane quipped.

Bat my eyes? I could feel my body burning.

I was burning in hell while there was no fire.

The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt