Chapter 23

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That evening, Bianca and Amiyah were setting things up when Amiyah got a phone call. She looked at the phone and it was Dominic. Bianca looked at Amiyah, seeing if she was going to answer it.

"Who is it?", Bianca asked.

"Dominic", Amiyah said.

"You still aren't talking to him?", Bianca asked.

"I texted him merry Christmas. I don't know why he's calling now", Amiyah said.

The phone stopped ringing.

"He hung up anyways. Maybe he didn't mean to call me", Amiyah said.

"You're seriously going to end your friendship with him. I mean I don't blame you, he's annoying guys are so close", Bianca said.

"'s not like I want's just that I don't wanna catch feelings for him and be in some type of love triangle", Amiyah said.

"You weren't worried about that before", Bianca said.

"That was before he finally admitted that he liked me. At least when he didn't admit it, in the back of my head I knew it was a chance that I was wrong. Yet, I'm 100% right", Amiyah said. "I have enough on my plate already"

Bianca nods.

"...if he calls again I'll answer", Amiyah said.

"That's up to you. I just wanted to know why", Bianca said. "When does Lamar get off anyway?"

"He's usually on the way home around this time", Amiyah said.

"Okay, well I'll head out", Bianca said as she hugged Amiyah. "Congratulations"

"Thank you". Amiyah said. "Bye"

"Bye", Bianca said before walking out.



So, in the mist of Amiyah and Dominic not speaking to each other, Dominic did move back to L.A. for another job with higher pay.

Dominic got out of his car. He drove an all black Audi R8 Coupe. He hit the button to lock the doors. He had gotta off work and he was now home. But before he got into the car to go home that's when he called Amiyah.

Dominic lives in a condo so he walked into his building to go into the elevator. He saw somebody walking at the elevator already with a hoodie on. But when he walked up, he saw that the button wasn't lit up.

"Before you touch the button I would like to talk", the guy said.

Dominic made a face and looked at the guys face and saw Lamar.

"How do you know where the fuck I live?", Dominic asked.

"I do work for the police department", Lamar said still not facing Dominic and looking at the elevator.

"It's that illegal or something?", Dominic asked.

"What's illegal, is what I want to do to you", Lamar said. "For a long time now"

"Is that a threat?", Dominic asked.

"It's a promise", Lamar said as he looked Dominic up at down. Dominic had on a all black suit and was holding a brief case.

"What? You and Amiyah ain't working out? I knew she'd come to her senses. I mean, you out of all people", Dominic said.

"Keep my fiancé's name out your mouth", Lamar said.

"Fiancé?", Dominic asked.

"Yes and we have a baby on the way. So, do me a favor and don't call her and don't text her. Don't even communicate with her at all", Lamar said. "I don't think it would be pretty if you do"

"So this is what you? Trap women because you feel like that is the only way you can keep them?", Dominic asked.

Lamar looked at the camera that was near and then at Dominic and touched his shoulder. "I'll kill you with no hesitation, stop playing with me", Lamar said.

Dominic took Lamar's arm off of him. "Leave", he said as he hit the button for the elevator. "And if you think I'm scared of you, think again"

"You should be. Especially if you mention this to somebody", Lamar said as started to walk away but stopped. "Thanks for the chat, bud"

Lamar walked away.

Dominic watched him as went into the elevator. Dominic was pissed.


Once Lamar got home, he took a shower and put on some lounging clothes. He then walked across the street and knocked on Amiyah's door.

Amiyah opened the door and smiled. "Hey", Amiyah said.

Lamar sniffed as he walked in because he smelt food. "What's that?", he asked. "Smells good"

"Well, you've been trying to get me fat this whole relationship so I decided to cook for you this time", Amiyah said.

"Okay, I like that", he said with a smile.

Amiyah shut the door.

"But before we eat, I need to ask you something. Bianca thought it but I just wanted to verify, so I um... got you a pregnancy test", Lamar said as he went into his pocket.

Amiyah sighed. "I did all of that for nothing", Amiyah said.

"What?", Lamar asked.

"I had this whole scavenger hunt thing for you to do but you already suspect it, so it's no point now", Amiyah said.

"So, you are pregnant?", Lamar asked.

Amiyah nods.

"Oh shit", Lamar said with a smile as he touched her waist. "I get to call you the mother of child and my wife soon? Best Christmas ever"

Amiyah chuckled as Lamar went in for a kiss and Amiyah kissed back and pulled away.

"But, food is getting cold so let's eat. I haven't ate all day really and hopefully this won't make me feel nauseous", Amiyah said.

Lamar smiled. "Okay", Lamar said.

Lamar and Amiyah walked into the kitchen and fixed their plates and began eating and talking.


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