A Wonderful Day

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Sunday went by like a dream. Ryan woke up, shocked at first to find himself in Cameron's bed, alone. The light shining through the window made him think it was about 10:00. Almost too early for a weekend. But, Ryan had to get up; he wanted to see Cameron; wanted to look into his eyes and see if what happened last night had changed him or changed them in some way. Ryan felt changed, he thought as he went to the bathroom. He felt like he was made of glass and might shatter at any moment. He smiled broadly in the mirror as he brushed his teeth.

In the bedroom he hesitated. Should he get dressed? He usually didn't on the weekends, not unless he planned on going anywhere, but...he looked down at his sweats (not the same ones as last night, those he buried deep in his laundry). He wanted Cameron to think he looked good. Sweats didn't seem the right thing. He pulled out some skinny jeans and a tight lavender shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror hung on the back of the door. His arms looked good, and the jeans showed off his long legs. A quick shake of his hair made it look casually messy but just the right kind of messy. He bounded down the stairs, then stopped at the bottom, his heart jackhammering in his chest. What if Cameron acted like nothing happened? What if he planned a date with Nate today? What if he told Ryan he was the biggest loser on the planet?

Cameron was sitting on the couch watching something with Leah. She had a plate on her lap and was jabbering away to him about the meerkats on the show. He smiled down at her, brushing her ponytail out of the maple syrup. He glanced up and saw Ryan on the stairs.

This was it, Ryan thought. What would happen next?

Cameron smiled at him. Ryan smiled back.

"You want some orange juice?" Cameron asked.

"Sure." Ryan replied softly. The boys had moved into the kitchen. Jess was nowhere to be found. Out for a walk. Leah was contentedly finishing her pancakes in front of the TV.

Cameron couldn't keep from looking at Ryan every few seconds. Their eyes locked briefly, before Ryan smirked and Cameron bit his lip and looked away, his cheeks hot. Cameron reached up to grab a cup off the shelf, when he felt Ryan's body behind him, grabbing the cup for him. Ryan leaned down, his hands on either side of Cameron, his body molded to the smaller boy. He nuzzled behind Cameron's ear. Cameron's fingers moved to twine with Ryan's. They just stood there for several minutes, enjoying the closeness. But pulled away when Leah came into the kitchen to put her plate on the counter.

"I don't want to watch TV anymore. I want to do something else!" the little demon demanded.

Cameron started to wash her dish. "You'll have to wait. Ryan hasn't eaten anything yet." Ryan had moved to sit at the table, fingering the leaves of the house plant in the middle. "I made pancakes. Want some?"

"They're so good Ryan! You should have some. I ate two! Cameron puts butter and brown sugar on them!" Leah raced back to get her cup. "Wash this too, Cameron. I'm going to get dressed." Then she bolted up the stairs.

Cameron sat back at the table next to Ryan, a cup of cold orange juice and a plate full of pancakes dripping with butter and sugar. "You should try them. I think they turned out pretty good. I guess I'm basically a cook now. I could have my own channel or ...." he mumbled nervously.

Ryan just stopped him by softly kissing him. Just a quick brush of the lips, to prove that he could, then a whisper in Cameron's ear. "You know I don't eat breakfast." Then a glance down at the fork and back up to Cameron.

Cameron rolled his eyes, starting cutting off pieces and feeding them to Ryan.

"Don't you boys look happy today!" Jess sang as she came in, a light blue sweater covering her teacher's union shirt. "I'm pretty happy too actually." She moved into the kitchen, not seeing that Ryan held her son's hand under the table.

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