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Cameron didn't go to school for two weeks. Instead he alternated between sleeping, sitting in the backyard staring at Mike's purple asters, sitting at the kitchen table, and drinking tea. Occasionally he got dressed and went with Mike in his Tesla on long drives over country roads in the back hills nearby. He didn't talk all that much, which wasn't too unusual, but he also didn't smile and often cried, which Mike and Coach found alarming. Dr. Myers suggested that while Cameron appeared to be suffering situational depression, since it had only been a few days; the best thing they could do for Cameron was always be there for him and try to help him stay engaged in some kind of routine. She said if it continued for more than a month, or if they were concerned he might engage in any self harm, to bring him to see her and they would move on from there. Just knowing they had an expert to ask for advice relieved them.  They also took to heart her gentle reminder  that  it had only been a few days. Cameron had undergone a traumatic experience and it's only normal for him to take a few weeks to find his center again.

As for school, Jess, Cameron, Mike and Coach all agreed he could afford to skip a few weeks with no problem. It's not like he intended on going to a four year college right away, so there was no last minute hysteria about grades or applications. Cameron planned on going to a junior college nearby, getting his undergraduate units and transferring to a four year school later. He didn't have a clue what he wanted to study or pursue as a career. And now, he just didn't care about anything, so missing school, grades, seemed completely inconsequential to his life. Coach would bring him his assignments every day. Part of his routine was to do school work for a few hours in the morning. But he didn't put any effort into it, even in English, his favorite class.

He lost weight the first week. No matter what Mike cooked or what take out Coach tried to tempt him with, he could only eat a few bites. Already thin, his clothes started to get a little baggier. Dr. Meyers told Mike to keep an eye on it, but she didn't predict that it would last. And she was right. By the second week he was eating more, if not quite as much as normal.

For those weeks, Cameron wore some pajamas and sweats that Mike picked up for him. But when they realized how permanent this was going to be,  Coach  went over to Jess' house to pick up Cameron's clothes, school books, computer, and a few books he was planning to read for pleasure. It was around 5 o'clock. Right after he finished work.

"How is he?' Jess asked, touching Coach's arm as they stood at the foot of the stairs. Leah sat on the couch watching TV, hair in disarray and a plate of mac and cheese half eaten. They tried to keep their voices low.

"I want to say he's ok. I think he will be ok. But right now he's a mess. He's sleeping a lot and not really eating, but at least he's not crying all the time anymore."

"Please tell him to call me tomorrow after I'm home from school. I want to hear his voice myself.  Not just messages from you or Mike.   If he doesn't I'm going to make him come home. I mean it John. He's my son, and I know he is upset. I know he's gay and that right now he feels safer or whatever with you and Mike, whatever that means. I know something happened to him, even if I don't know what. But I need to hear his voice. And I will come to see him this weekend, no matter what." Jess insisted.

She  was astounded when Cameron had run off that night.  Ryan had said he had no idea what was wrong with him. She'd been frantic until she'd gotten Coach's text. The next day Jess was blown out of the water when Mike said Cameron was hysterical and asked if he could live with the men for an unknown amount of time. Something must have happened at school, but when she texted his teachers they just said he seemed more quiet than usual. She thought maybe, finally Cameron was just going through normal teenage drama, as he'd never had before. When she told Mike that she needed Cameron to continue to pick up Leah and watch her while she worked, he'd flatly told her that Cameron wouldn't do that anymore. Panic had set in, wondering what she had to give up to take care of Leah, wondering how they could afford to pay the bills without her tutoring money. Of course, of course Cameron came first, but....but...but she wouldn't have agreed to the Moore's staying with her without Cameron's help with Leah.

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