13 | ≠ abrupt

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1. The above pic is a reference pic for Aliana's outfit at the party if my description doesn't make sense to anyone.

2. There is no 12.3 anymore. I changed my mind. Don't get confused. Thanks. Enjoy.


Mia has been staring at me from the passenger seat since the past 5 minutes.

"What?" I snap, tearing my eyes from the road for a milli-second to glare at her.

"Oh me?" she pretends to look innocent, "I'm just thinking of a ship name and a few baby names just in case."

I lift my hand off the steering wheel and flip her my middle finger before returning it back to the wheel.

She leans ahead, "Did you not see the smile on lover boy's face?"

I roll my eyes, refusing to let myself blush any more than I already have. Honestly, I would've never seen that smile if it wasn't for Mia and Shaye. To be honest, when Nathan had called me earlier today asking me to for a kiss, I was more confused than I was nervous. When he had explained the reason to me, I wasn't confused anymore. I was just plain nervous. I had agreed to it obviously because only an idiot would give up the opportunity to kiss Nathan Wright.

I was a lot of things but definitely not an idiot.

⋈ ⋈ ⋈

30 minutes.

There was half an hour to go when I had hung up on Nathan. Tracking Mrs Warren down, I had found her in the kitchen, alone.

"Mrs Warren, I can't stay overtime today," I had said.

Only she and I know that my original shift doesn't require me to leave after everyone does. Only she and I know that I've been working overtime, without pay, ever since she discovered my inability to say a certain syllable with two letters. Mia always assumes that my shift has been this since the very beginning, Shaye as well. So none of them have any idea and I have started not minding since I've never had too many plans and all my plans take place after my shift. This is the first time I'm telling her I can't stay.

Say yes only if your heart says it. Nathan's words echoed in my head as she turned her deadly gaze on me.

"Tough luck. You have to stay anyway," she had replied. I felt my head shaking no and my mouth beginning to reply to her.

"I have some really important work today. I really can't stay back," I had tried to plead again. I felt my resolve breaking down as she merely dusted her hands and replied, "You're not going," and walked out.

20 minutes.

20 minutes were remaining on the clock when I had decided to text Nathan about this misfortune. It was then when I had felt my phone getting snatched out of my hand. Looking up, I was met with charcoal black eyes and an evil smile.

The Opposite Of Negation | Editing SlowlyWhere stories live. Discover now