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"Where were you?" I question Eli, who is entering class almost 15 minutes late

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"Where were you?" I question Eli, who is entering class almost 15 minutes late. Out of the many things I know about Eli, the most important is that he is never, ever, late. He loves being punctual but thankfully he never imposes his love of punctuality on others.

Then, our chances of becoming friends would've been quite thin.

"Just bumped into this girl while coming to class," he says, a little out of breath. It's clear that he ran to class, making me wonder who exactly the girl was.

"Who?" We know almost every girl on the campus- a fact that we aren't particularly proud of but when you're in a football team filled with idiots and when you yourself like to have a little fun with willing ladies, you tend to know most of the girl population.

"We don't know her but I've seen her around campus with her blonde best friend," he says, not meeting my eyes.

Because at the mention of the blonde best friend his cheeks instantly tint red.

"Dude, are you blushing? Does someone have a little crush?" I tease. 

He quickly glares at me and with a barely concealed smile, he replies, "No. I've just noticed her around."

Raising my eyebrows at him, he simply rolls his eyes and removes his notebook, finally paying attention to the lecture.

I drop the topic, turning to face the ma'am. Since Eli is majoring in Physics and I am majoring in Computer Science, we don't have any classes together except our chosen elective, psychology. Since we both are in our junior year of college, we both thought, Why not?

I met Eli in my freshman year. We were both assigned the same dorm which we had to share with another guy. The said guy was the most unhygienic guy we had ever seen and that's a lot to say because both of us aren't exactly clean freaks. So at the end of freshman year, we decided to move out of dorms and rented an apartment on campus. ISU provided a pretty sweet campus housing facility with Sunday football parties and outdoor movie weekends. That was the best decision we made and we haven't looked back ever since.

His science puns and cool, collected nature is an almost contrast to my own reckless nature. With his brown hair identical to mine and blue crystal eyes, girls simply fall straight at his feet. He's practically family.

After finishing the lectures, we have an hour to kill before practice. As we walking towards our apartment, my eyes catch a glimpse of long brown hair walking in the opposite direction of where we're heading. The girl looks pretty out of it, juggling her books and laptop in both her hands and rushing towards something. I can't recall seeing her on campus before and it irks me to no length how she could've gone unnoticed to me.

"Hey! That's the girl I bumped into earlier," Eli remarks.

That makes sense. He did say he hadn't seen her around much either. Only her best friend. So either she is new or really good at blending in. But guessing by the way she's walking around campus, it seems like she's quite comfortable with the surroundings. As I continue to stare at her, engrossed in my own thoughts, she turns her head to look directly at me, as if she felt my gaze on her.

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