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Sokka was in his bed, fixing the ceiling again. he couldn't sleep, thoughts were racing in his head. thoughts about Suki, and thoughts about Zuko, which were unusual.
"is it normal that i'm over her already? it's been a little bit more than a week and all i think about... isn't her."
because he was thinking more and more about Zuko. each day, his mind wandered about Zuko, thinking about everything about him. from his long dark brown hair covering his face that he would put in a bunn for important events. or his golden eyes which when they met his blue eyes made Sokka blush. he felt that sensation with Yue and Suki too, so why Zuko? he rolled on his side. he concentrated on falling asleep yet he couldn't. he heard Aang's bedroom door close, which meant that everyone was going to bed. Sokka grabbed his pillow and discreetly went to Zuko's door, knocking right before entering.
"hey Sokka. nice to see you again," Zuko said at the sight of Sokka entering his room with his pillow, like he would do a few days ago, "is there anything wrong?"
"i can't sleep." Sokka said, standing in the room with his pillow in his hand.
the room was dark, only the moon now illuminating it. it was still quite bright however.
"you can sleep with me if you want." Zuko proposed.
that's what Sokka wanted to hear so he didn't even think twice before walking toward the bed. he put his pillow on his "side" and laid down besides Zuko, who was looking at him since he entered the room. they both were fixing at the ceiling.
"so um... work tomorrow uh?" Sokka said.
"more like another day of people reminding me i'm the firelord."
"yeah i'm sorry." he turned on his side in order to look at Zuko.
"it's not your fault you don't have to feel bad." Zuko was looking at Sokka too, then he looked away, afraid of blushing too much. how could he look so flawless?
Sokka wanted to hug him again. he loved Zuko's hugs, they were comforting and warm, just like Zuko in general. so he grabbed Zuko's arm, who looked at him in surprise.
"what Sokka?"
"i- i missed your hugs during the past days you know." Sokka said, trying to give him a hint.
"oh uh i me too. i- i guess?" Zuko was blushing. and his tone wasn't firm like it usually was, but rather shaky. did Sokka give him a hint? no he's probably imagining it.
the room felt silent again. Zuko turned on his side to look at Sokka, who was already looking at him.
"i-" Zuko didn't know what to say after this. Sokka was looking right in his eyes. they were so close they could hear each other's breathing.
kiss him already Zuko, you know you like him.
no no no he doesn't like me back it's not gonna happen.
you never know.
after what seemed an eternity, Sokka finally said a word.
"i like your eyes."
"oh uh thanks." Zuko said, confused. Sokka rarely gave him compliments, and they usually weren't about how he looked.
"can i ask something?" Sokka said, unsure.
"of course." Zuko knew where it was going.
"ugh you're gonna hate me for it aren't you." Sokka sighed, it was stupid anyways.
"you can do it." Zuko said.
"really? you're not mad or anything?" Sokka said excited, but he tried not to show it that much, he didn't want Zuko to change his mind.
"no go ahead it's fine."
Sokka approached his hand from Zuko's face. he put his hand on his cheek, then went where the scar was. he made sure to touch with attention, feeling every little wrinkle. usually when people asked Zuko if they could touch it, he refused. but it was Sokka, it was different, this time he really didn't mind it. he even appreciated this moment.
"did it hurt?" Sokka asked, a concerned look on his face.
"yea it did. but i can barely remember much from it. only my father scarring me for life and then it went completely white. then black. the thing that hurt the most is having this huge ugly scar on your face."
"i don't think it's ugly. it's part of who you are." Sokka replied, trying to make him feel better.
"then i don't like this part of who i am." Zuko said loudly. he didn't sound mad, just frustrated.
did Sokka just unlock something?
"you know Zuko, as much as you hate this part of who you are, it made you what you are today. you cannot hide and i think that's what beautiful about it. it shows that you went through so much and you would've fell for the wrong side yet you didn't. you made the best out of it and you should be proud. because i'm proud of you."
Zuko was silent. he was thinking about what Sokka said. did he really think he was beautiful? his story?
"you're just saying that to make me feel better." he said doubting. he couldn't believe someone like Sokka would think that way about him.
"i'm not Zuko. don't believe me if you want but what i said was a hundred percent true."
they went silent again. Zuko was looking at Sokka and Sokka back at Zuko.
do it. what's stopping you?
fear, Zuko thought.
there's nothing to fear, he just said you were beautiful why don't you go for it?
i don't want to loose one of my best friends.
i'm sure he won't mind.
Zuko took a deep breath.

"Sokka i-" his voice was shaking like crazy, "i'm sorry for what i'm about to do."
"what?" Sokka said confused. he didn't have time to finish his sentence that Zuko kissed him.
the kiss was soft, yet burning. Zuko pulled back. Sokka was perplexed
"i'm- i'm so sorry i shouldn't have."
"it's fine. i'll go back to my room." Sokka said.
he left, not even minding taking back his pillow.

darn it i'm so stupid! look at what you just wasted. all that beautiful friendship thrown out the window because of my stupid kiss!

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