14. Are you okay up there?

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My lovely friend Lynda thought it would be a good idea to take my mind off things. I didn't know what it was until she pulled me along to a bonfire party. Lynda grins at me as she offers a cup; I stare at it for a moment but eventually, I grab it. 

Then gaze over the fire, feeling the warmth of it. They made it so high that the flames are flying in every direction on top. Good thing the snow has settled nicely onto the ground.

"Come on, smile a little," My friend said, and I did as she bumped her shoulder onto mine.

"There it is," She said happily; someone has a car playing music from the stereo in the background. There are a lot of unfamiliar faces. A few I know from school, though, and they always great when they see us. 

A few guys are trying to climb up this tree with no branches; it's a challenge. You have to be able to reach the top. Only a couple of people has done it through the years. At least, that was what Lynda told me. I take a few stips from my cup and almost spit it back out.

"What is this?" I asked my friend.

"Vodka," She chuckles at my facial expression.

"Yeah, I know that, but it's so strong," I say as my throat is burning. It's not often I drink, but I can tell the difference.

"Don't worry, you will be fine," She waves, but then Anna and Johanna from the team appear, and I listen to their random conversation about guys they like and shouldn't. I'm not very interested, but I kept drinking in boredom as they won't stop talking. 

I was about to take another slurp but realized my cup was empty. I asked Lynda to fill it up and pointed in the direction of a camping table where many bottles are standing. I filled my cup almost to the rime but compared to Lynda, I mixed it out.

"Hi, number ten," I shifted in my spot as I was about to drink, and I spilled half of it on my jacket. I turn with a frown, and she looks down at me.

"I'm sorry," Nico said, wrinkling her nose.

"It's fine," I brush the liquid off me and place the cup on the table.

"What are you doing here?" I question.

"I'm here with a couple of friends, who seem to have left me for someone else," She laughs, and I nod because I have been there. Nico straightened her beanie as she looked around herself. It's weird how The Howlers and The Griffiths can go along at a party. But if we were in town, it would have all been different. Perhaps it has something to with the lack of places to go and drink. I don't think I will ever know the answer to that. She gives me an awkward smile as the silence has found its place between us. 

"Are you cold?" I wonder as she hugged herself.

"Yeah, it's a bit cold here. Why I came here in the first place is beyond me. I am not used to the cold," Nico grins at me, and for the first time in a month, I smile, a proper one.

"I have a blanket in the truck," I offered; luckily, Lynda knows how to drive that old thing when needed. She bites her lower lip as she is considering it but then gazes around in worry.

"I don't think I should," She said and took a step back. I nod as I take the hint.

"Well, I will see you around," I was about to leave but braked in my steps as I forget my cup.

"Kind need this," I lift my cup in the air lightly, and Nico smiles at me one last time as I made my way back to my friend. Lynda folded her arms over her chest when she saw me.

"What now?" I ask as I take a sip of my drink; it's defiantly better now.

"You shouldn't interact with her if you are not going to do anything about it," She tells me, and her whole face softened.

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