chapter thirty-eight

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After being surprised by Dean coming back to life, Bobby and him tracked Sam down and get to the motel he's supposed to be staying at.

They knock on the door and a young woman with dark hair who is only wearing a tank top and underwear answers, looking at them expectantly.

"So... where is it?" The woman asks.

"Where's what?" Dean asks, sharing a confused look with Bobby.

"The pizza... that takes two guys to deliver." The woman says.

"I think we got the wrong room." Dean says.

"Hey, is..." They hear and turn to see Sam walks into the room behind the woman, stopping when he sees Dean and Bobby.

"Heya, Sammy." Dean quietly greets. He walks into the room, the woman stepping aside. As Dean gets closer, Sam pulls out a knife and lunges at Dean making the woman scream. Dean blocks Sam as Bobby pulls him away.

"Who are you?!" Sam asks, fighting against Bobby's hold.

"Like you didn't do this?!" Dean angrily asks.

"Do what?!" Sam asks.

"It's him. It's him. I've been through this already, it's really him." Bobby assures Sam.

"What..." Sam trails off, looking at Dean, stopping the struggle.

"I know. I look fantastic, huh?" Dean asks, cautiously getting closer. Bobby lets go of Sam who pulls Dean into a tight hug who returns it. They stay hugging for several moments before pulling away and looking at each other emotionally.

"So are you two like... together?" The woman asks.

"What? No. No. He's my brother." Sam tells her.

"Uh... got it. I... I guess. Look, I should probably go." She says.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Sorry." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

Sam changed into a white button down shirt and is seeing the woman out.

"So, call me." She tells Sam.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure thing, Kathy." Sam says.

"Kristy." She says.

"Right." Sam nods. She leaves and Sam shuts the door. He walks back into the room and sits down, Dean standing in front of him.

"So tell me, what'd it cost?" Dean asks.

"The girl? I don't pay, Dean." Sam says.

"That's not funny, Sam. To bring me back. What'd it cost? Was it just your soul or was it something worse?" Dean asks.

"You think I made a deal?"

"That's exactly what we think." Bobby says.

"Well, I didn't." Sam says.

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