chapter sixteen

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It's been about a week since John died and they've been staying at Bobby's while Dean works on the Impala. Evie is sad John died, but still isn't as affected as the boys are. Through the whole week, she wakes up from nightmares about the Yellow-Eyed Demon that Sam calms her down from after waking up.

Sam has barely let her out of his sight since the hospital, only doing so if it's absolutely necessary which it hardly is anyways. He plays and watches whatever she wants just about whenever she wants as well.

Sam gave her the dog-- that he had thankfully put in the trunk of the Impala-- the minute they got back to Bobby's house and she once again rarely puts it down.

Dean is working on the Impala 99% of the time so Evie doesn't see him all that much. She tried to get him to watch something with her or play a game with her a couple of times, but he denied each time.


They pull up to a roadhouse and Dean is driving a poorly maintained mini van.

"This is humiliating. I feel like a friggin' soccer mom." Dean grumbles, getting out of the car.

"It's the only car Bobby had running." Sam says, getting Evie out of her car seat. They look around a little. "Hello? Anybody here?"

"Hey. You bring the, uh,"

"Of course." Sam tosses Dean something Evie barely catches a glimpse at it. They walk inside and find the bar completely empty except for a man sleeping on a pool table.

"Hey, buddy?" Sam calls, but doesn't get a response. "I'm guessing that isn't Ellen."

"Yeah." Dean agrees.

Sam walks into the back room and looks around a bit before a gun is pointed at him. Sam raises his free hand in the air.

"Put the kid down." The woman demands. "Slowly." Sam does so, putting both hands behind his head afterwards.

"Daddy?" Evie asks.

"It's okay, sweetie." Sam tells her.

"Sam! Need some help in here." He hears Dean call. The back door opens and Sam walks out, Evie following.

"Sorry, Dean, I can't right now. I'm a... little tied up." Sam says. He nods his head indicating to Ellen who walks out.

"Sam? Dean? Winchester?" The woman pointing the gun at Sam asks.

"Yeah." The two nod.

"Son of a bitch." The woman says.

"Mom, you know these guys?" The girl with a gun pointed at Dean asks.

"Yeah, I think these are John Winchester's boys." The woman says, lowering her gun. "Hey, I'm Ellen. This is my daughter Jo." Said girl lowers her rifle.

"Hey." Jo greets.

"You're not gonna hit me again, are you?" Dean asks.

Once Sam is sure it's safe, he picks Evie up, knowing she was worried. Ellen smiles at the toddler who shyly smiles back.

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