I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Wake up Hazel."
"Hazel! Wake up!"

I woke up to see Archer standing above me with an amused smile on his face.

"Hmmm leave me alone." I told him while pulling the itchy covers above my head

"I can't do that. The pack dinner is starting in 20 minutes... I just thought I'd tell you."

"You are lying! I haven't even been asleep that long, at most 30 minutes!"

"Nuh huh! You have been sleeping for about 8 hours now. I can't believe you wouldn't believe me!"

I looked at Archer to see if he was as hurt as he sounded, but he just was wearing a smirk. That's when I realized he was probably telling the truth and I probably looked like crap.

I shot out of bed and looked at myself in the door mirror. I looked like a complete train wreck, my long hair was tangled in to a birds nest, and my clothes were ruffled and my eyes were as red as a clowns wig.

"God, I look like a disaster." I told Archer while trying to tame my hair

"I don't think you do.....You look beautiful" I looked at him throught the mirror kinda stunned at what he said. He was looking at me and we made eye contact. It wasn't awkward, which I expected it to be, he hadcomplete confidence with his words.

"Thanks Archer, that's really sweet....... I have a question."


"Who sent you down here to get me?"

"Oh well my room is just across from yours so I thought I would pop my head in to tell you dinner was soon but then I found you dead asleep." He said with a smile on his face

"Really you live just across the hall?"

"Yup.....do you need help with that?" While he was talking I somehow got my hand stuck in my hair

"Pff sure." I didn't really want his help due to how stupid I looked but I definitly needed it

Once he got to a close distance he grabbed my hand and started pulling me toard what I assumed was his room

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked as he opened the door to his room

"I have a brush in my room, duh!"

"Wow, alright no need to get snippy!" I said with humor

His room was painted a dark brown with a royal blue comforter. One wooden dresser in the room with a tv sitting on top of it.

"You're room is surprisingly clean and stylish." Shock very amparent in my face

"Well when you have a mom that wants you in the best living conditions possible you kinda get used to picking up after yourself and my mom bought all this stuff"

"It looks nice" I said with a small smile

"Alright, here's the comb." He said while grabbing a black small brush from a top his dresser.
I grabbed it from his hands and pulled it through my hair but it didn't budge.

"Um how about I buy you a new brush later cause I think your brush is stuck in my hair."

"God Hazel."He started to chuckle "come here" he was patting his bed

I walked and sat on his bed and he sat behind me

"I'll help you, how in the world do get a comb stuck in your hair?"

"Don't ask me! I just think your comb wanted to come home with me!"

"Hey! I treat that comb amazing!"

To reply I just giggled. His got the brush out of my hair and started working at the tangles. The feel of him brushing my hair was very relaxing.

"How are you such a great brusher" I said fully knowing that my words made no sense

"I have a younger sister that would make me brush her hair all the time."

"How old is she?"

"She is 8 now, do you have any siblings?"

"No it's just me. "

"Was that lonely ever?" He asked as he stopped brushing my hair so I turned toward him

"Sometimes not at all but there were more times than not where I could just have one person that new me completely, ya know? Like someone that was always there to hang out with and stuff"

At this point we were looking into each other's eyes and he was nodding his head.

"I understand, although Molly is only 8, she's good company to just watch TV with"

I shook my head agreeing with him.

"Well we better head up to dinner, yeah?"


He got up and then held his hand out to help me stand up. Which I thought very sweet but unneeded. I took it anyway.

"Ready to meet everyone?"

"Well my stomach is about to explode with anxiousness but yes." I said with a slight giggle
We started up the steps as he said
"Don't worry, everyone is kind and welcoming."

He opened the door at the top of the steps and led me to the dining room. Everyone was finding their seats when Alpha Royce spotted me and motioned with his finger for me to come to him.

"Thanks for getting me Archer. I would probably still be asleep if it wasn't for you."
I pulled him into a hug which he recieved easily

"Your welcome, I'll see you later."

I turned away from Archer and walked to where Alpha Royce was standing.

"Ready, Hazel?"

"Yup, how are we going to do this?"

"We will just introduce you and then later is when others will come say hello and you can meet them."

"Sounds good to me"

"EVERYONE TAKE YOUR SEATS" Beta Blake's voice boomed over the small conversations

Once everyone was seated, I found myself standing by Alpha Royce at the head of the table

"Alright, welcome everyone to tonights pack dinner. We have a new member of our pack." He stated while pointing to me "This is Hazel and she is part of her pack as of today."

I could feel all the eyes on me while he was introducing and I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I did a small little wave and just smiled.

"OK Hazel you can go sit down now."

I saw an empty seat by what looked like a 30 year old woman and Elza. I went and sat next to them and said hello to the woman then high fiving Elza.

The Alpha went on with his speech

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