Chapter 20

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"Can I ask why 5 criminals would want to go to a ball?" I asked as I finished getting ready and grabbed some heels they bought me at the shop.

"Business." Was Harry's response as I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bedroom. The others were fixing their ties while grabbing some guns making my eyes go wide.

"You're not-"

"Well what did you think? We'd go to a ball for fun?" Louis smirked as I shook my head at them.

"I don't see why you'd want me involved then. Couldn't I have just stayed here?" I said as I leaned up against the wall while lifting my leg up to fix the strap on my shoe.

"Here. Put this on." Harry said as he slipped a garter onto my leg that contained a gun.

"What?! You're making me carry around a weapon?!" I said as I tried to scoot away but Harry pulled it up anyways.

"Yeah mate I thought we weren't doing that." Liam said as he placed his pistol in his pocket.

"So Madeline could die because we didn't give her a gun, or we could give her a gun so she could protect herself. Any better ideas?" Harry asked as he stood up.

"Yeah how about I stay here." I said as I moved my leg uncomfortably. Harry glared at me before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the door with the others following.

"Don't fucking leave my side unless I tell you to." Harry said as he pulled me out of the car before intertwining our fingers (surprisingly) this time. I looked down at our hands awkwardly because he had never done this before, and when I looked back up we were in front of a large mansion. Harry led me through the doors and into the open ballroom where lots of people were already dancing. We walked down the steps and Harry let go of my hand as he looked around suspiciously.

"C'mon Maddie! Lets dance!" Liam said as he pulled me out onto the dance floor and grabbed my waist.

"So see any bad guys yet?" I asked while looking around curiously.

"Nah they'll come down soon." He said as he turned me around and there was a tap on his shoulder. I looked to see Niall whispering something in Liam's ear before Liam left, running off the dance floor and Niall took his place. I looked up at him with a confused face but he just shook his head at me making me glare.

"Look who's not on top of my list anymore." I smirked at him making his jaw drop.

"What?! No! I'll tell you!" He said making me laugh but shake my head at him telling him its too late. He glared at me before spinning me out. Clumsy me, I tripped over someone's foot and landed in someone else's arms. I looked up to say 'thank you' but I came face-to-face with the man that was staring me down at the bathrooms in England. My eyes went wide and tried to back away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the floor. I looked back to see where Niall was but he was already gone.

"Let me go!" I said as I tried to get out of his grip.

"You're just making this harder on yourself sweetheart." He said as he pulled me up a flight of stairs and into an office. He pushed me in and I saw Harry standing in front of a man at his desk. "Found your bird Harry." He said as he pulled me over to the other man and left the room.

"Hostage. She's my hostage." Harry said correcting him making the man scoff.

"Not too bad of a hostage if I do say so myself." The man said as he gripped my lower leg just below my garter, thankfully not touching it. "How about I take her off your hands for...hmm lets say 3 thousand pounds?" He asked while licking his lips.

"Make it 5 million and you got a deal." Harry smirked leaning up against the wall.

"Awh she doesn't mean that much to you now does she?" He said as a gun shot rang out downstairs making me jump and the guy place a firm grip on my arm. Next there were footsteps pounding up the stairs and more gunshots being heard. Then the boys came bounding into the office with pointed guns making the man stand up from behind his desk and point a gun at my head.

"Shoot and I'll fucking shoot her." He said as he cocked the pistol pressing it harshly against my scalp. I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see anymore.

"Fine. Shoot her." Harry said making me open my eyes and my mouth drop. He just glared at me before looking back at the man. The man took his eyes off Harry before turning to me and placing a finger on my cheek.

"Wouldn't it be sad if a poor little thing like you-" *BANG* His grip on my arm loosened and the man fell on the ground, blood spewing out of his chest. I looked up and saw Harry with his gun still in the air pointed where the man used to be standing. I scurried around the man and over towards the boys as fast as I could before Zayn pulled me into his arms, me still breathing heavily.

"Lets go." Harry said before rummaging through a couple desk drawers, pulling a few things out, then walking out of the room not bothering to look at me on the way out.

"You're-You're just going to leave him-" I stuttered as I looked behind us into the room.

"Shhh. It's ok. Everything's fine." Zayn said as he walked me down the stairs as I was still mildly shaking. All across the floor were dead bodies thrown about making me gasp. Zayn just turned me the other way and led me out the door to the car quickly.

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