Chapter 38

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~2 Months Later~

"Honey are you sure you don't have time to go? The appointments really seem to be helping."

"I know mom but I have a lot of homework. I'll make time for it later." For the past 2 months my parents have had me go to appointments with a therapist to talk about the whole kidnapping ordeal. Honestly school has been doing a good job by itself of keeping my mind of the boys but the sessions have been helping, besides the fact I've been having nightmares recently.

At school the teachers always give me empathetic looks and the students look sorry when I walk past them. It's been hard to write because of my broken arm but I'm managing. The doctors say the cast will be off within the next month.

"Mads are you sure you don't want to place a restraining order?" My father asked me as I set my phone on the kitchen counter and walked into the living room.

"Dad I've already told you, the boys won't be getting out for over 40 years, I think they'll have learned their lesson by then."

"I know Madeline but I just want to make sure we're being extra cautious. We don't need anything to happen again and you to go through all that pain." Usually I would've fought back at how they never hurt me, but once I realized that I was trying to defend my kidnappers, I gave up and never spoke in their favor again. "Maddie why don't you go get some rest? Maybe stay home from school tomorrow? You're under a lot of stress right now." My father said adding to my growing headache.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow." I huffed as I picked up my math book as best I could and walked towards my bedroom saying 'goodnight' to Dawn along the way. Walking in, I turned around to close the door before facing my bed and seeing the person I'd never expected to see again. I dropped my math book and breathed in a large breath of air as I pressed my back up against the door. All the curly haired man did was stare at me with a smirk as I shook with fear. "Wow these medications really do have some side effects. I really should've gone to that therapist appointment." I said as I rubbed my eyes and walked past the figure who was a figment of my imagination.

"I told you I'd come back Madeline." Harry said as he grabbed my wrist making me stiffen with fear.

"Y-you're really here?" I stuttered as I tried to back away from him.

"Lads and I were traveling the country, thought why not make a pit stop? And you should really stop seeing that therapist. She's making you go insane." He said as he sat down on my bed and looked around.

"H-how'd you get out?" I asked bewildered at how I was treating this as a normal conversation. This man could kill me.

"Ah love, easy really. Stab a couple guards and climb a fence and you're out." He said with a smirk making my eyes go wide. "Well as I'm here, a broadcast may or may not appear in 4 minutes about a gas station being blown up, so if we're going to make an escape we need to make it now." He said looking at his watch as he stood up and walked towards my closet.

"W-what? You expect me to go with you? A-again? I'm in school now, I have therapist appointments, I'm with my family, I have doctor appointments I can't just-" He cut me off by gently kissing my lips as he placed a hand on my hip rubbing it slowly. "I-I think it's best if you leave." I said quietly as I looked down.

"Haha love, I'm not leaving without you." He chuckled darkly tilting my chin up disregarding my answer.

"A-after all t-that time in p-prison-"

"I never stopped thinking about you. I'm not losing you a second time. Now c'mon lets pack your bag and get out of here before we have to do things the hard way." He said slightly pushing me out of the way so he could grab my duffel bag.

"Madeline! Madeline!" My dad's voice boomed in the hallway as his footsteps came close to my door. He pounded on it as it was locked and screamed my name.

"C'mon lets go!" Harry said as he grabbed my 'good arm' and pulled me out of my sliding glass door and into the darkness.

"W-what if I don't want to-"

"I'm not giving you an option this time!"

"You didn't give me one the first time!" I said as we ran off into the woods.The last thing I heard was the breaking of my door and the gasp of my father.

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