Chapter 8

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Elizabeth's POV

We followed an excited Aurora to a group of people wearing shirts written something in their language. I assume it's welcome home or something like that, because all their shirts have the same writing.

There were five people waiting there. Two women, who I assume are Aurora and Atlas and Axel's cousins or sisters plus the one to the left looked like the carbon copy of Aurora, probably her cousin or something, all I know is they look alike. Next to the other woman stood a girl with brunette curly hair with silver streaks. Behind them stood two men, more or less the same age as the women, well except the girl with brunette hair. She looked more like a teenager.

Immediately as we set foot through the terminal gate, the air was knocked out of me as I was suffocated in a hug.

"It's so good to finally meet you in person." Said the girl excitedly as she basically bounced on her heels, making her brunette curles bounce with her.

"Zarya," Began Axel,just to be cut off by one of the women as she inspected him," Mother." He groaned in irritation, but you could see the happiness glimmering like a diamond in his eyes. Wait, did he just say Mother?

How can this woman be his mother when they look the same age. Well she looks a couple of years older but not that much to look like his mother or anything like an elder.

"Hello," Said the girl slowly, getting my attention," I am Zarya, it is so good to meet you." She slowly said, making me look at her in confusion.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said in confusion.

"I'm just pulling your leg, Axel, Atlas and Aurora instructed us to learn your language so we could communicate so yeah." She explained.

"Okay, cool." I answered, not sure how else to reply.

"You seem shy or are you just overwhelmed with meeting the family so fast?" She asked, tilting her head to the side with a friendly smile.

"I think it's the latter." I slightly chuckled.

"Don't worry. We won't harm you. The most harm w-" She stopped as her mother excitedly squeezed me, making me breathless.

"I can't believe I have another daughter!" Exclaimed Atlas, Axel and Zarya's mother.

"Mother, is your intention to murder my beloved or to shower her with love?" Asked Axel from somewhere behind me.

Their mother let me go, allowing air to freely flow through my lungs once more.

She looked so beautiful making me feel like an ugly duckling. Actually everyone here looked beautiful. I think I might've taken the wrong train here, because these people are far above my league.

Their mother pouted before saying to her son, "Is that even a question." She sighed before turning to me with a soft smile," I'm Flora, their mother and it's so good to meet you." She excitedly exclaimed.

"I'm Elizabeth and it's a pleasure to meet you too Ma'am. "I politely smiled.

"Please drop the Ma'am Honey, just call me Mom...or Flora if it will make you feel more comfortable." She quickly added with a soft smile.

"Okay Flora." I smiled.

"Flora, I'd also like to greet my newest niece." Complained a female voice.

"Okay." She said, raising her hands in a surrender motion,"We'll have a lot of time to get properly acquainted later, Dear." She playfully winked at me.

With a chuckle, I gave a nod in acknowledgement and agreement.

"Finally, you were hogging and probably suffocating the poor girl." Said the woman, as she turned me around to face her.

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