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"Elizabeth Bright!" Axel scolded with his warning stare, making me pout as I wobbled back over to the chair in front of our counter.

"I'm tired of just sitting around, Axel. I wanna help." I whined as I softly sniffled in order to swallow the tears that wanted to fall.

At my sad tone, Axel practically jumped over the counter and made his way to me.

"Alright alright," He sighed in defeat," But only for a little while."

"Why a little while?" I weakly asked.

"Because your feet are swollen and sore, Honey. " He softly explained as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Atlas and Aurora Bright are at the door." Jude, our robotic voice announced.

"Let them in." Axel responded, instantly making the door slide open to let in a five month pregnant Aurora and a tired Atlas.

"Look who's here!" Aurora enthusiastically chirped as she made her way to me just so she could coo at my stomach," Hey there baby Girl, Aunt Auri is here and look what she has for you," She lifted my favourite ice-cream, making me happily squeal in excitement as I made way to grab it, just for Axel to get a hold of it and throw me his warning stare.

I threw him an innocent smile," Please Baby," I begged," Just two spoons, please? For your daughter and wife?" I pouted.

A groan of defeat instantly left his lips as he grabbed a teaspoon and opened the ice-cream before feeding me one full spoon of the delicious icy goodness, instantly making me moan in delight.

"They are unfair players," Atlas complained," Aurora has me out at otherworldly hours for this ice-cream. She knows that the word 'daughter' has me saying yes to everything."

Axel threw a look of sympathy at his brother before Jude announced Zarya, Peter, Daniel, Flora, Eric and Heidi's arrival. Peter being Zarya's beloved. They only met a few months back and they are already over the hills for each other.

Axel and Atlas are still the protective older brothers and throw daggers at poor Peter at any chance they get. Unfortunately Daniel supports them even though he is always nice to poor Peter.

Axel and I had our wedding ceremony a month after I got back and I had my ring reinserted. It was not as bad as last time, but I did feel a bit dizzy, just not enough to pass out again.

Since then, we've been having family lunches and dinners every month at least which is hosted at different places. This month is our turn to host again but Axel being the protective husband and father will not let me anywhere near the stove. He prepared lunch including some dessert without my help all because he didn't want me burning myself or something, at least that's what he said if I remember well.

The only nice thing about Axel cooking is that my husband is a man of many talents, he prepares drinks for everyone including Aurora and I even though ours were 'non-alcoholic' as I called them.

Arms swiftly wrapped around my waist, allowing me to relax into them as I took sips of my sweet appetiser.

"This is as lovely as always." I complimented my sweet husband who sat behind me on the swingset chair in our garden while everyone chatted amongst themselves.

"I'm glad you are enjoying it as always." He teasingly added the 'as always' making me playfully pout at him, just to have him press a sweet kiss against my lips, making the pout instantly disappear to be replaced by a smile.

"How are you feeling about the baby? You know she can come any time now?" I asked as he gently swung us.

"I honestly cannot wait for my little Angel to be in my arms." He responded Just as a gasp left my lips and I looked down at my now damp dress.

"Great," I shakily smiled," Because you won't have to wait for too long."

"Pardon?" Axel asked with a raised eyebrow in confusion.

"Baby," I gently cupped his cheeks," My water just broke."

His eyes molded into that beautiful blue and silver that I loved as he practically jumped off the chair before helping me down.

"What's wrong?" Flora asked, seeing the slight fear in my eyes as she walked past me with a bowl in her hand.

"Her water just broke, Mother." Axel bluntly responded, making Flora's mouth gape open in surprise before she disappeared, just for the whole family to be cooing at me a minute later.

"Okay okay, time to go." Zarya directed as she handed Axel the baby bag.


After 8 excruciatingly long hours, I finally gave birth to our little girl, Dawn Stella Bright. She was the exact copy of me except for her blue and silver eyes and her black and silver hair that was as soft as her father's.

The moment I had her in my arms, I had never felt so complete.

"Axel," I weakly called my husband as he rocked our sleeping, newborn daughter. At my call, he immediately faced me with pride and adoration filled eyes." Can I have our daughter, please?" I asked.

Without a single word, he placed our sleeping princess in my arms, allowing me hold her sleeping form against my chest. She had on a white and pink onesie with a matching hood to hide her full locks. Her skin was a light brown thanks to my light brown skin and her father's pale skin. Her fast breathing patterns filled me with peace as I held her to my chest.

I loved the two people in this room with my every breath and I know for a fact that life would be meaningless without them. They are my strength just as they are my weakness. They are my happiness.

Axel plopped down on the chair next to the bed, simply watching Dawn and I," Baby, can you please take Dawn, please?"

"Of course,"He responded as he gently room our princess from my arms before placing a kiss against my dry lips." I love you, my Love. Thank you for giving me our daughter."

"I love you more and thank you for giving me an actual reason to live." I tiredly smiled at my husband, at my daughter...at my family.

I was really abducted into love and I couldn't be happier.

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