I'll Show That Alpha

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Hello to whoever is reading this story. Just a warning, this is sort of a cliche story with some twists. I don't know what it is with me but I really love sappy stories. So yeah enjoy!



I put down my hair brush to answer my mom."Yes mom?" I answered her by yelling so that she would be able to hear me from downstairs.

"You need to get to school!" she yelled back.

I knew that, I also knew that I only had a limited amount of minutes to get out the door.

I quickly looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked at least half decent. My black hair was left down and it was pretty straight. My green eyes had a little bit of eyeliner and mascara on them.

 My outfit was dark wash skinny jeans and a white tank top with a black jacket over it. Obviously I wasn't the most fashionable person ever, but I just didn't see a point to getting all dressed up to go to school.

With that I grabbed my keys and ran downstairs.

"Hey mama," I smiled at her. She was standing in the hallway  by the stairs, obviously getting ready to yell at me to leave for school again.

"Morning sweetheart, here's an apple. You need to go now!" My mom said sternly, shooing me out the door.

My mother was extremely strict with school, which kind of caused me to be sort of a nerd at school. If I didn't get good grades and didn't get all work turned in on time, my mother would ground me for a month and I would lose my ability to drive.

I grabbed the apple and walked out of the door to my car. As soon as I got on the road I headed straight to one of my best friends house, Landon.

We have been friends since sixth grade and since we were sophomores now, it has been a pretty long time. We were very close friends.

As soon as I pulled up to his house he ran out his door.

Since I have the earliest birthday out of all my friends I have been named the official driver for us. "Hey Haze!" he said way to energetically for the time of day, he had always been the morning person.

"Hi Landon." I said yawning.

"Well someone's a little tired aren't we?" he said as he started to tickle me. I started to giggle and tried to push his hands away

"NO! Not at all, I just don't wanna go to school." I denied quickly.

"Yeah that's it, don't lie to me. I bet you were up all night working on the essay we have due today in first period. You probably went out running right after school yesterday." He said knowingly.

He knew me way to well. Maybe I wasn't the little angel my mom thought I was. I said I got things turned in on time, that didn't mean I wasn't a huge procrastinator.

Oh and the running thing he was talking about, yeah we're werewolves, as in the oversized wolf. Most people in my school are in the same pack, which would be the Light Moon pack.

"Nooooo, OK maybe I was"I said giving in. I wouldn't be able to hide it from Landon anyway.

"I knew it!" he yelled in victory.

By this time we had gotten to my other friends house, Martie.

Martie takes an amazing amount of time to get to the car so I have adjusted my driving schedule to get to her house at least twenty minutes before school started. Usually while we wait Landon and I listen to music but today something felt off with him.

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