Chapter 29

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"So, did you miss me?" He lands on his ass and sits Indian style as a creepy smile crept onto his face. He placed his hands on his knees waiting for my answer. Like hell I would answer to a horrible father like him. His features slowly turn into a hard cold glare and he viciously grabbed my face in his hand while squeezing so it felt like my head would pop off. He growls, "I will ask you one more time bitch. Did you miss me?"

"No." His smile comes back for a second before he returns his hard glare.

"Wrong answer." He then gets up and kicked me so hard in the guts that I started to cough blood. He returned to the floor while I coughed a little bit longer trying to gain back oxygen into my lungs.

Once I finish getting back valuable air I ask, "What the hell happened? After all these years why did you come back for me?" This confused me beyond belief. I thought him, my bitch of a mother and sister were dead. His smile got a little bigger and a lot creepier as he evilly laughed. 

He sighed and said, "I guess I have a lot to explain don't I?" I nod my head, but he got a little mad and slapped me across my face so hard that I fell to the floor in horrible agony. "Don't answer me rhetorically whore. Now that that was taken care of let's get talking. The day the house burned was all planned. Everyone got tired of you taken up the basement space and spending so much useless money on someone as pathetic as you that we decided to burn the house down, at least until you left. We were hiding in the bushes when we saw you run away like a scared little piece of trash. Once you left we called the fire department and got them to distinguish the fire before the whole house collapsed. Sadly, we wanted to remodel the house, but we made sure to keep the basement exactly the same. After we were able to rebuild the house I noticed my anger getting bigger by the days. I finally snapped and slapped my wife. She stayed with me a little while longer until I hit your sister. She took herself and your sister away from me until I could figure out how to control my anger. I was heartbroken for years. I drunk myself until I was unconscious. I was amazed that I hadn't died by the amounts of alcohol I put in my body. I started to try and fix myself. I stopped drinking and started to join a gym. I began to work out until I couldn't take it anymore. In the gym, I did some boxing, but they banned me because I wouldn't stop pounding the wimp that I was facing off. I went back to drinking gallons of alcohol each and everyday. It wasn't until a few months ago that I realized the problem. I never had this problem until my family made you leave. You were the thing that held our family together. Although you were such a useless bitch my anger was taken out on you which let me become a loving husband and father to my family. I tracked down your mother and sister and told them my idea of getting you back. They were wary at first, but I finally convinced them. We then began to gather an army to fight with us. It took a while until I began to fully explain my reasoning, or at least a in a less cruel way. I told those idiots that you were kidnapped and I needed to get you back. They never saw through any of it though, which I was thankful for, and finally got you back. Who cares if a few died in the process? In the end, I still got to get my punching bag back. The others that survive I will kill off in no time. They would be too stupid to realize they dug their grave when they agreed to help me. I can't wait to get back upstairs to spend time with my wife and beautiful daughter. It is going to be fun watching you rot into the sorry being you were before that stupid boy came into the picture. Any questions?"

"How did you know about him?" How in the world would he know about Ryder unless-

"I have been watching you for quite a long time. I had to make sure that your life is still miserable. I was lucky that all the students at your school hated you which made my job 10 times easier. My intelligence of the streets and people were able to keep you away from any foster or orphan homes so you couldn't escape your fate. With me being so loving all these years it was able to put the thought in your head that you were a useless creature, which you are, and that allowed you to have little self-confidence that you never made friends or had the courage to find a new home. Thanks by the way. Any more questions?" 

"Am I going to be here forever?" He laughed a little at my question, but quickly answered.

"Last I checked no one truly cared enough to come and help you. Your little boy toy will just find a different chick to have a good time with. You met nothing to him except for being a little fling. If you think different then you are truly an idiot for believing it. Look at you, your horribly pale body and ugly, what is that, a face. I wish you would rot in a ditch, but then I would lose my wife and daughter again and I can't let that happen. So, to answer your question yes, you will stay here forever until you die. You get one more question to ask me and then we get to be reacquainted again." I rack my brain for something and I finally asked my last question.

"What does the blinding red light on the laptop mean?" He full of laughs at my stupidity and when he calms down he looks at me with amusement in his eyes.

"You really are that idiotic aren't you? Ah well, that red led means that it is recording everything that is happening right now. And you know the best part? I set it up so that your boy toy can see everything that happens. He can see and hear you, but you can't see or hear him. I am so caring that I am allowing you to move on from your boy toy. Once he shuts it down that red light will shut off and will extinguish any chance of you ever getting out of here, like you would have a chance. Who knows? He might be watching right now. So, he will see every painful hit I will use you with."

After he gets up and starts kicking me restlessly and that gives me time to reflect on his words and realize that they were true. Ryder would never come for me. He would most likely go for a different girl after a day of morning me. He might even keep the light on just to torture me and see how long it is until I break. The thing is I am already broken. Once something breaks it can never be fixed to the full state in which it was once in.

I felt my ribs break and other parts of my body ooze out blood and form dark purple bruises. I look at the computer screen to still see the red light on. I think the bastard noticed because he grabbed my hair and forced me to my feet. He whispers in my ear, "Why don't you give some words to your boy toy? I think he would love to here from you." His last sentence oozed with sarcasm, but I didn't care as what I knew what I wanted to say to Ryder.

"Don't look for me. No matter what you think you will never be able to find me. If you do come these people will kill you and I can't have the pack not have a leader. Please just give up on me already. I know that you think you care, but I know that nobody cares enough for me to get out of a dangerous situation. I do care for you, but I know you don't truly care for me and no one else will either. You heard him, I am going to die here so the sooner you accept this then the sooner you can find your true love. Goodbye Ryder and I hope you can find happiness in a girl that is worth it because let's face it. I am a worthless cause to care for anymore. Once a toy breaks you don't repair it, you just get a better one.

That was the last thing I said before I passed out.

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