The Pasts Come Out

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The car ride to Lillian's was silent, as was the elevator ride. Aiden saw Alec and looked shocked, Lillian was shocked because Aiden had gotten out all her alcohol and made Magnus' favorite foods, the apartment smelled great. "hey guys welcome home! Food is done, alcohol is right there" Aiden said "thank you Aiden" both Magnus and Lillian said Alec remained silent.

They all sat in a circle, "do you want to talk about it?" Magnus asked, he had been cautions around Alec, he felt guilty and Lillian knew it "I guess it's just shock, I knew there was a huge chance they would make me choose, they never approved f me being gay, almost disowned me when they found out so they had it out for you from the beginning. I always thought that I would choose them but the two of you made me realize that they never truly loved me, at least the way you guys do. You don't tell me everything but I know it's because you're either not ready, or you're scared I'll leave. I know that you feel guilty right now and I'm telling you right now that that isn't true, this is not your fault. I is theirs Izzy and I already have a plan. Everything will be fine" Alec said.

Magnus looked at the bottle in his hand then at Lillian she could tell by the sad look in his eyes what he was gong to do she nodded he took a couple of large gulps "well looks like it's going to be a depressing pasts story time who should go first?" Magnus said with false cheeriness. he and Lillian shared a look "ok we'll do mine!" he said and drank over half the bottle that was in my hand making Alec worried, he has never seen Magnus like this. "I was the result of rape, my mother never told him. Everything was fine my eyes had always been odd, the color has always been there and the pupils were always weird. When I was 5 I woke up and my eyes had changed overnight. Instead if the slightly elongated pupil was cat eyes. My mother hung herself because she had created a monster" Magnus said and drank some more of his bottle Alec was shocked Lillian squeezed Magnus' hand "My step father blamed me and started to force me to pray for hours and would beat the sin out of me with a whip or leather belt, my knees were always bruised because he always had me on my knees repeating words from the bible, praying, and a whole lot of different things." Magnus said paused and finished his bottle reaching for Lillian's this was the hardest part for him. "One day I was sent to the river to get water." Magnus took a drink "he followed me without me knowing, he tried to drown me. I killed him" Magnus said emotionlessly Aiden and Alec were shocked. Alec reached for Magnus' face, Magnus flinched. Alec stared at him, then out of nowhere, in one quick movement pulled him onto his lap and into a tight hug Magnus had tears in his eyes.

"Alcohol, now." Lillian demanded. Unfortunately for the two of them they had an inhumanly high alcohol tolerance. Magnus is going to be slightly drunk at most. Magnus handed her the bottle. "When I was little I was incredibly close with my father. One day I found him with a knife in his back, no pulse." Lillian said with no emotion "my mother had never liked me, he would always tear me down make sure I never was happy. I thought it was normal. When my father died she started to get more physical about things, she would beat me and mentally tear me down piece by piece. One day when I was 12 she invited someone over I stayed in my room like always. The man came to my room, my mother had sold my innocence for money. She did it everyday, sometimes multiple a day sometimes multiple at a time." Lillian had tears streaming down her face. She took a large sip of the alcohol "I ran away when I was 15, Magnus and I knew each other when we were very young, I grew up in Indonesia for a while. I got a huge amount of money when I turned 16. Magnus and I took that money and used it to escape. We traveled the world for years. When we turned 18 I got more money, we decided to do one more year of travel before going to college." Lillian said "we know it was her mother who killed him but we can't get the proof. She wanted his will money, what she didn't know is that he had transferred all of his will to Lillian, including his company name. Which is why after she finishes with her business degree she will be the CEO of the company" Magnus said "and Magnus will be my main assistant and will have the same amount of power as me" Lillian said and took another drink.

"Now you guys make me feel petty with my troubles!" Alec exclaimed "you two are so strong!" Alec said Aiden agreed "can we talk about something else?" Lillian and Magnus asked "yeah, how about the ghost in the room" Alec said they all turned to Aiden he paled "what?" he asked wide eyed Alec started laughing "I was joking, why don't we just watch Netflix or something" Alec said they all agreed.          

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