The Apartment

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Lillian was finally fully moved into her apartment after the huge shopping spree Magnus had insisted on again much to Alec's dismay. Lillian had given Magnus her other key card and told both of them the passcode. She was on a face time chat with Magnus and Alec while eating a small amount of Magnus' nasi timbel that he had sent Lillian with when she left. He was an amazing cook! Magnus was telling her about the phone call he had suffered through that day when there was a bang it made all of them jump slightly "And the so called ghost makes an appearance" Magnus and Lillian said in sync then laughed Alec rolled his eyes, he didn't believe in the paranormal unlike his boyfriend and friend. Magnus continued talking and there was another bang  Lillian and Magnus sighed while Alec as getting more confused. Magnus started his story and this time when the bang happened they ignored it Lillian started telling them about her day off and how nothing had happened yet other than the banging that had happened during the call , continuing to ignore the banging that seemed to be getting closer to where Lillian was sitting but she continued to ignore it. Eventually the banging stopped and Alec yawned  so Magnus decided to hang up so his baby could get to sleep.

Lillian decided she was going to stay up and binge watch Netflix and she didn't try to go to sleep until around three am when the TV kept turning off, Lillian got annoyed and finally complied to the ghosts will and got ready to sleep. By sleep it meant stay up reading until she got slightly tired, music filled the room to help her because she couldn't stand not having music. After about an hour of reading her phone screen turned off she cursed and tried yet again to read and yet again she failed. Lillian groaned and gave up "I can't believe I'm being given a bedtime from a fucking ghost" she muttered it was silent other than her quiet music she eventually fell asleep and went through multiple nightmares before finally deciding enough was enough whether the ghost was going to try and stop her or not, she was having a panic attack when her music changed from a playlist she had never heard to different songs that were depressing but were meant to ask if someone was ok. I chuckled and slowly calmed down "I will be fine" she said knowing she was probably going crazy for talking to the ghost that seemed to occupy her apartment. she checked the time and went to Netflix once again and started binge watching.

The elevator pinged bringing Lillian out of her Netflix world. Magnus took one look at her and rushed over. "why didn't you call me you stupid complicated human!?" he asked exasperatedly she just smiled at him "Mags I don't need to burden you with my problems, it was just the usual nightmares" Lillian said rolling her eyes but she knew that Magnus would never just leave it be because I would never 'just leave it be' if or when he was in the same situation. He gave her 'the look' and she immediately surrendered not wanting to get on Magnus' bad side, it was not a nice place to be. "Ok fine next time I promise I will call you, the ghost somehow calmed me down" she said Magnus was relieved that she didn't suffer for too long "thank you ghost!" he called out, there was a bang in response. He seemed satisfied "you need to get ready" he said looking at her suddenly she jumped up "Oh shit!" she exclaimed and ran to her room and started to get dressed for classes, luckily Magnus thought ahead and had Alec go get coffee while he went to get her and if they weren't outside to come up.

Lillian was scrambling around her room trying to find the clothes she had set out for the next day there was a bang and she ignored it, there was another bang this time it was harder she groaned and looked in the direction of the bang and say her clothes "thank you!" she exclaimed there was a bang in response before silence as she got ready. She was just getting out into the living room when the elevator opened revealing Alec trying to hold three cups along with a bag of baked goods both Magnus and Lillian rushed to help him Magnus giving him a quick kiss and happily digging into his food and his coffee "so what's you get me pretty boy?" Lillian asked "vanilla, white chocolate,  caramel, and hazelnut smoothie based double shot white coffee" he said she nodded "thank you Alec" she said at the same time as Magnus said "thank you Alexander." The three of them suddenly looked at the clock at the same time for no reason "crap! We need to go common!" they all said in sync and rushed to the elevator "by ghost!" both Magnus and Lillian said as the elevator doors closed and they and went down to the car.

The drive was short and they didn't get caught in traffic, luckily they found parking and were able to get to class on time. Lillian and Magnus shared all classes except one and Alec shared most of them. Lillian took psychology while Magnus took hair dressing. Alec had a complete different major than both them and was here on a football scholarship. His younger foster brother was on the same team and they hung out a lot, Magnus and him barely saw each other because he was never allowed to leave the football team and we knew he got bullied for being gay and dating the most flamboyant boy on the campus, well at least he appears that way nobody can actually get close to him to know what his true personality is. Lillian and Magnus stick together and if they're close to Alec he might give him a quick kiss because Alec got hurt at first. When they finally openly came out about their relationship Magnus would mostly leave him be and when they passed it would always be Alec giving Magnus a quick kiss and he was worried Magnus was ashamed of dating him and didn't want to be seen with him, which obviously was not the case. Magnus didn't want Alec to get abused by his friends because he had showed affection in front of them. Alec had definitely shut that thought process down real quick. Now Lillian and Magnus will act out when they walk past them by yelling at each other or have fun talking in a foreign language or yelling at each other in them, it was fun to see Alec panic when the would act mad and would either walk away from each other looking pissed. Poor Alec had to deal with a lot of things but he wouldn't change them for the world.


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