Seven \\ Without A Trace

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Seven \\

"We should keep going," Derek said, Laura pulling the car to a stop.

"To where? In to the ocean?" Laura parked her car, taking the keys out of the ignition. "We've been driving all day. Let's just stop here for the night."

Derek followed Laura out of the Honda, pocketing his hands in his jeans as they walked up to the diner with a mermaid on the restaurant sign. "I still think we should try to get to Canada tonight."

"Der, we need to eat. Let it go, okay? Rhode Island is just a pit stop."

Groaning inwardly, he found himself watching the sea before going into the diner behind his sister.

"Hi, welcome to the Sea Maiden. Sit where you like, I'll be over in a minute."

Laura took one side of the booth at the instruction of a young waitress balancing two mugs of coffee in each hand. She thought about the past month of diners they'd been to on their slow move across the country. Only recently did they agree that leaving the US would be best and amped up their pace.

"I'm Dakoda. What can I get you two?"

Their waitress, and the only worker in the diner, came over after two minutes of the Hales looking over the menus.

"Coffee, and a number two with fries please," Laura said, handing the waitress with a small black apron about her waist the menu.

"What about you?" Tucking a wave of light hair behind her ear after scribbling down Laura's order, the teenager turned to the boy.

Derek was only half focused, Laura having to kick him under the table to make him give his order. "I, uh, I'll have a coke and a h-" He looked up, his words falling away.

Dakoda smiled friendily, twirling her pen in her left hand between her fingers. "I didn't catch that last bit."

Laura watched Derek attempt to talk, "A burger." She swung in to save him, "He'll take a burger."

"Sure thing. Coming right up," The waitress brightly said as she short handed the order and took it to the back counter.

Laura cleared her throat, sending Derek a smug look. "Subtle, little brother."

"Shut up," he grumbled, still finding himself glancing across the sea-themed diner. "It's not like anything's going to happen."


The car was abnormally quiet.

The only way by car to Satomi's den happened to be the longest.

Only Brett's soft breathing breached the void between Derek and Koda.

"How did you not know what was happening in Beacon Hills? The kanima, or Peter-"

"Peter? Your uncle?" Koda interrupted. "I thought he was catatonic."

"He was, but he healed. It's his fault I came back. He...he killed Laura."

Koda hesitated, feeling like he couldn't breathe. "She's dead?"

Derek didn't respond, but in the same way, he did.

"Did you stay in Rhode Island, or...?"

"No, we left," he said, having to force himself not to look at her. "We went to Florida and a couple other places." He hesitated, "Being there didn't feel right."

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