Twelve \\ Meet the Pack

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Twelve \\

"Do you think it's safe?"

"There are assassins running around, Kira. I think we bypassed safe a long time ago. I don't think it matters at this point." Stiles was softly pacing at the McCall House with Liam, Scott, and Kira staring at him.

"Really, because you seem nervous, Stiles," Scott said, watching him.

"Okay can I say something?" Liam raised his hand as Lydia came into the house. "You do realize how much money is in this house, right? Koda is worth 30 million alone."

Scott and Stiles exchanged a look, that exactly the problem.

"Unless they're stupid, I doubt they'll try to come in and attack us." Lydia took off her jacket, hanging it up. "Plus, everyone minus me and Stiles can put up a fight."

Stiles went to object but there wasn't much of an arguement.

"Here's my question." Kira was leaning in the doorframe, her arms crossed. "Does anyone know the story between them?"

"Besides them? I doubt anybody." Stiles recalled the scene at the vet when they'd seen each other for the first time in a very long time. "God, have they kissed yet because the tension was on a scale that wasn't even a number."

"Great description," Derek said, coming through the door with a flat expression. "You have a way with words."

Dakoda came in behind Derek, shutting the door after her. She greeted Stiles and Scott nonverbally before seeing the freshman. "Hey Liam."

"Hey Koda," Liam said, still a little thrown off by the fact she was involved in all of this.

"Guys, this is Koda," Stiles introduced her to the girls. "Koda, this is Lydia and Kira."

After a moment of hellos and soft smiles, they went on.

"Okay, how about we discuss the biggest issue. The Benefactor, who is making all of our lives a living hell."

"Well, not really yours," Kira noted, Stilinski not on the deadpool.

"Fine, but I'm danger adjacent. I'm still affected by the crap that goes on in this town," he retorted, "But really guys, there are millions of dollars on the line."

"Our lives are on the line, not the money." Koda wasn't condesending or mean, but simply bringing a fact to the table. "The money is the reward if you can cross the line and take a life."

"I think we should also mention how you're the biggest price. Out of all three parts of our lovely supernatural hit list and 30 million tops it all."

"What are you?" Lydia curiously asked, sitting on the arm of the sofa with her attention on Koda.

"A wolf," Koda replied, flaring her minty eyes, "We're just not sure what kind."

"Wh-" Lydia seemed a little startled, the eyes reverting to blue. "I-" She was off, something clearly wrong.

"Lydia?" Stiles asked, his eyebrows coming together in confusion.

"Uh," Lydia hesitated, "Sorry, I just, your eyes. I've never seen that kind before."

"I don't think any of us have." Derek said, "Even Satomi, someone as old as the world wars, doesn't even know. Deaton isn't sure either."

"If Deaton doesn't know then we really are in trouble," Stiles commented, crossing his arms.

"To be honest, at the moment what I am doesn't matter. It's 30 million dollars. Money is blinding and no one is going to care if my eyes glow blue or rainbow," Dakoda said. "But, it could help. High price means the Benefactor is most interested."

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