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Elizabeth's POV...

I couldn't remember how I had managed to come home. What had filled my head were the accusing stares of some, working in the company. Others were whispering to each other around. I should be rejoicing, right? People now were talking about me. I have become famous... I'm a star now! The secret relationship we had has turned into a clamorous scandal. I am now standing in the most outrageous podium of stardom.

But all these things, I can ignore as much as I could disdain. How much people can stab me with hurtful words, I can be more than ready to overlook at their atrocities... but not his.

He had made me feel and endure the hardest pain a human can bear to carry. I thought the puzzle pieces of our memories were falling one by one on their right places. I had striven hard to remember each detail and had continued connecting each but when he said those words, I turned everything down. What's the point in fixing the pieces of a big picture when the canvas became an empty slate? I no longer hope nor dream about us. He threw me in the darkest and deepest pit of betrayal. He broke me... and I don't think I could ever come back again.

Everyday in the office has gotten heavier with each passing day. The people, most of them were tossing their eyes full of distaste and only few remained fair with their unbiased judgments. One of them is Miss Adams.

"Good morning Miss Hemmington! Hope you have a great day! Never mind them."

I just returned her a simple yet short smile and headed up to my... deep, bottomless chasm. I never thought that the heavy pull of air in the uppermost part of this building can become almost thin maybe even thinner than the lighest feather. This predominant floor became an abyss with no gravity. And my body too. It turned out to become frigid with a totally complete absence of the sensation of weight.

After what had happened during the interview, James became apparently the one chasing attention. Every now and then, he would knock in my room and ask if I could prepare him his coffee, then prepare another cup or he would enter and give me some papers to encode. I could even say he was being exaggerated because those were the typical duties he could even tell me by the intercom or send me message if he's not in the mood to speak. But then, I didn't care. If he wanted to move back and forth from his office into my room, the floor is all his. If he asks about something, I give my immediate response. If he extend some paper works to do, I do them as directed. If he commands me to bring this or that, I follow without complain. I know he can sense how distant I became and I didn't care what he thinks about the situation. I was good that way. I was fine being far away.

I was standing at the rooftop of his empire, alone and enjoying my peaceful space. Honestly, I was afraid of heights but I have come to realize that here was the only place in the building where no one can judge me. The place where I won't be seeing faces of people with eyes like aiming daggers at me as if I have committed the most despicable crime or better say, the most disgraceful sin.

It was lunch break, but I didn't feel hungry. All I needed was fresh air to fill my lungs, to clear my............ broken soul. I was emotionally defeated and I was already losing the desire to let me feel the need to be fixed.

I looked up the sky. It was calm in its alabaster-white shade. I know the sun was just right there, somewhere behind those clouds. But it was evident that the weather was discreet. The blowing wind was playing gently with my hair. I supported myself in the glass railing, closed my eyes and began sensing the surroundings. It was a bit cold but I am loving the feeling, anyway.

All I could hear was myself breathing and my heart thumping tenderly. But the scene and the words from a couple of weeks ago were trying to cripple in so I was keeping a great hold of my barrier to protect me. I cannot let them enter my innermost territory.......... my heart. Because now, my heart became the territory of animosity to every painful episode that is yet to come. I am wounded and perfectly damaged, so what could there be more hurtful to expect?

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