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Most of the female staff were gossiping about the flowers arriving every now and then to the building and they all suspected that those were all for Elizabeth since they were all brought up to the highest floor were James' and Elizabeth's offices were located. While some women were envious, others felt a kind of admiration seeing all those fresh flowers. Some were moved by that kind of gesture telling how fortunate Elizabeth is and hoping they could be like her being courted in such a loving way particularly by an unmistakably wealthy guy given the idea that those flowers cost that much.

Mr. Tom, accompanied by his wife, entered the building. He asked the receptionist if James was in his office. He didn't bother to call his son since he only visited the building because he has someone to talk with in one of the major departments located there. Her wife decided to come with him just to see and salute his only son. They were informed that their son was out to visit the location for the construction while her personal assistant was attending a meeting as a replacement in his absence...

"Isn't the young man going too fast in pursuing her?"

Mrs. Lorena asked with wide eyes as she transferred her look from the receptionist to his husband.

"What do you mean, my dear?"

Mr. Tom was confused from his wife's implication..

"Tsk... I am not implying anything dear husband. I am just seeing the obvious. You know, we have policies to follow but I guess our son is breaking one of them... No private life must be mixed up within the work premises."

She stated sternly.

"How could you say that? We all know how he strictly follows the rules. He can sometimes be so severe even to himself."

"Dear husband, I am not a man like your son but I am his mother who knows how he thinks. Sometimes, he acts just like me... he is stubborn especially if he wanted to be."

Mrs. Lorena smiled sweetly to her husband.

"I see... then kindly elaborate what you're trying to say my dearest wife."

"Okay... so flowers beautifully decorated arriving every twenty minutes and being sent up to the highest floor where James' office is and where there is only one female staying there... Isn't it a show of affection to a woman you have interest with? Because if not, why would he bother to spend his money sending her the whole day a garden? And isn't it going against the rule of not putting any personal life in a work place? He is out and so she is... they must be dating. It is easy to make excuses to leave the building."

"Excuse me Mrs. Anderson but I don't believe they are dating. Miss Hemmington herself doesn't even have any idea to whom the flowers were from. She's really mortified and it bothers her a lot that her boss, the young Mr. Anderson might scold her for this sort of disturbance."

The receptionist stated with a slight confusion.

"Okay... I see. So... I think I must be concluding things too fast. I am sorry, perhaps I am just feeling a bit overjoyed with the thought. You know how it feels for a mother with an only son. He's not getting any younger so I wish he stops playing around and get serious with someone."

"My ever dearest wife, tsk! Don't make any high hope. It is hard to tell when your son will soon realize about settling down. And your matchmaking skill may still be in good use... maybe not for now... you know, we did it once and it didn't get well back then. Just give him time."

Mr. Tom reassured his wife.

"I am thinking of the same thing, Mrs. Anderson. I guess that the new girl is a good match for your son. I find her well-mannered, very intelligent and has a strong will. But I don't think if she is the appropriate one in terms of her standing in the society. We all know that your son will never choose any random woman from a lower class."

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