Chapter 26

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                                        Noah's Pov:

As I watch Olivia scrolling on her phone I realize a couple of things:

1. Obviously the fact that she has her phone which is strange considering the fact that she hasn't behaved really well since she arrived. And from ecpirience I know you don't get you phone until you behave perfect a few weeks... meaning the last time I had my phone was before I got here. 

2. She seems kinda mad and I'm not sure if it is because I tryed to talk to her or because of the argument she had with Marlon. I wonder what that was about.

3. Like the most of the time she isn't talking with the other people. Of course everyone of us is sometimes quiet but she is actually really quiet well when she's around others with me she doesn't seem to care. I'm not quite sure if that's good or bad.

4. She's playing with the bracelets on her wrist like she actually does all the time probably a habit of her.

5. The most interesting or important thing I notice is that she isn't eating and no I'm not her dad but I haven't seen her eating for the last couple of days and that is kinda conserning. Yes she doesn't look really underweight but she's definitely is pretty skinny which isn't a bad thing when you eat.

No I'm not a stalker but after looking at her for 10 minutes straight you notice some things. As I think about it it isn't helpful to stare at her so I turn back to my food which is probably already cold.

"We're hanging at Mikes tomorrow again are you in?", Austin ask as I shovel Spaghettis in my mouth.

What's better than some good pasta?

Nothing that's right.

"Who'll be there?", I say kinda hoping to hear him say Olivia's name. Well Austin isn't actually the biggest fan of her like the other boys. I think they don't actually don't like her as a person but they just don't know her really well. The fact that I talk about her so much might also annoy them a little bit...

Everyone sees us as the school bad boys even though I wouldn't call us that. I know that I don't fulfill the typical bad boy image.  Well maybe taking drugs and getting in fights fits. You may ask where I know how a typical bad boy is from. Well I might or might not had a period in my life where I read a lot of teenage love storys. Just don't tell anyone. 

"... Noah? Did you listen to me?", I hear Austin.

"No sorry dude what were you saying?", I should stop daydreaming and staring at Olivia that's weird.

"You're being really strange lately. I said I think it's only our normal group. We'll meet in Mikes room."

There my hope goes. Olivia won't be there...

I know that I fucked up and I think I should try to clear things between us. Besides the fact that I have no clue how to explain myself I'm also not quite sure why what Olivia thinks about me is so important. I've never cared about the feelings of other's this much but it's different with Olivia.

Since the first time I met her I knew that she's different. I can't tell what it is but I feel like she's hiding a lot. Sometimes it feels like she has different personalities and changes her behavior depending on the situation.

Now I know that she probably thought I made fun of her when I tried  talking to her. I was really not. On one hand I found her really interesting on the other I obviously saw how beautiful she is. I just wanted to get her even more after she rejected me. I never got rejected by a girl I was interested in.

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