Chapter 24

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Even though I thought having to go back to school on monday would be horrible the day went by and until lunchtime nothing really happend.

Classes went by and despite the fact that a lot of people are talking about me my classes weren't that horrible. Well it's school there are many things I enjoy more but that's normal I'd say.

Because we have our first quizes this week I asked Justin to help me a little bit. I've never been good in school but at the moment I don't even know the topics in most of my classes. I also have no clue how I'm supposed to change that because my motivation isn't existing most of the time.

Justin and I decided to meet up in the library and quickly started going through the topics I need help with. This was the first time Justin and I spent time together alone and despite him being really quiet he is a nice and chill guy to be around. He's one of the people that you wouldn't think is cool to be around but there is so much more behind what you first think of him.

"... look it's not really complicated when you understand it once.", he explains something in physics.

Before I get the chance to thank him the bell tells me that lunchtime is over.

"I have to go I can't be late to class... well again. Thank you so much Justin I wouldn't know what to do without you.", I grab my backpack and wave at him.

"Always a pleasure. Just tell me if you need help again.", he gives me a warm smile also getting up.

As I make my way out of the library I see a familiar face.

"Hey William nice to see you again.", I decide to thank him again for what he did for me. Class will have to wait a short minute.

"Hey Olivia also nice to see you. Which class do you have now?", he gets up and also graps his stuff.

"Um History I think...", we walk out and I enjoy the sunbeams on my face. It's not that hot anymore and the weather is much more how I like it. 

"My class is the same direction...", he walks next to me.

"Cool... well I said it already many times but I'm very thankful that you helped me Saturday and when we went shopping...", I blush at the memory. 

"No need to thank me... again.", he starts laughing and we keep on walking.

We just talk about random things as we make or way towards the school building. Close before my class we separate and I wave a last time at him. 

Only meters away of my classroom someone graps my wrist and pulls me into a janitor closet before I get the chance to react.

"What the fuck?!"

I find myself in a janitor closet with my back against the door and Noah standing really close still holding my wrist. What a cliche...

Angry I pull my arm out of his grip.

"What the fuck are you thinking?!", I'm done with his strange behavior. This time I will say what I want to say.

"I'm sorry I only thought that you wouldn't talk to me if I would try it normal.", he scratches his neck looking a little bit nervous. 

"Um you could have at least tried it?", I look at him in disbelief how stupid is this boy?

"I... You're right sorry... can we talk about Saturday?"

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