West Coast

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*Avery's POV*

Attention : Lily Collins is not my final choice for Avery. She matches the description a bit, but yall are still open to suggest who ever you want.

The drive home was a blur. Forget the drive home, the weekend was a blur. Walking in Monday morning was painful. By then, everyone knew what had happened to Josh and Emma.

"Avery! When are they going to be back?" Brittney asks me at my locker.

"I think Emma's gonna come back next week. I'm still not sure, though. But she is going to be in a cast for her leg. " I tell her

"What are we going to do?! We have a game coming up and we're gonna cheer! How are we going to cheer without our best tumbler! We're doomed!" Brittney exclaims and I slam my locker shut.

"Okay. Brittney, please take a goddamn chill pill. Don't we have alternitives?" I snap and she flinches. I sigh amd bang my head on my locker. Great, now I'm lashing out on my friends.

"Hey, it's okay. I get it. Your under alot of stress, and then this accident is making it worse. Don't worry." Brittney says and she pulls me into a hug.

"I know. Look, I'm going to figure this out, okay? I'll see you at practice today." I say, pulling back from the hug.

"Okay! Bye! By the way, hottie, 3 o'clock!" Brittney says and walks down the hall and around the corner.

I turn around and see Dylan coming down the hall. My inside stirs and I instantly smile. What is this boy doing to me?

"Hey, I heard what happened. How are you doing?" Dylan says and I'm thrown off by this question. Almost all day, people have asked me how Josh and Emma are, and no one's asked me how I'm dealing with this.

"Honestly, I feel like disappearing. This is too much to take in and I just -" I say and my voice cracks. I breathe in and out and sigh.

"Hey, it's okay." Dylan murrmers and pulls me to him. He smoothes my hair and kisses me forehead. "Can we just change the topic, please." I tell him.

He nods and says "Okay, well, what are you doing for our 3 day weekend?"

Since Monday was a teacher's workday, most of us had plans to do something big. With the accident, I had completely forgotten.

"Um, hang out at home, I guess." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, cancel that." He says and I open my mouth and then close it. "Me and you and anyone else, are going to the beach." He adds and my eyes widen.

"What? But, it's 4 hours away! And who would go? And would our parens let us go? Would my mom let me go? What about -" I start to rammble and Dylan presses his lips onto mine and my words disapear.

His lips are soft and sweet and taste of honey. He pulls back and smiles at me and I blush. "That was a really nice way of telling me to shut up and calm down." I say sheeply.

He laughs and says "Don't worry. Just tell your mom that because you're stressing with school and now you're worrying about Emma. I mean, you're not lying. It's the truth, I know it is."

I sigh and nod "Okay, I'll ask my mom. Can Marco, Ryder, Kendell and Brittney come? Oh, and Emma and Josh?"

"Baby, if your goddamn pig wants to come, he can come. Of course they can come." He says, smiling.

I laugh at this and say "Awesome. I'll ask my mom, tell Josh and Emma, hopefully they're feeling up for it. And I'll ask the other guys if they want to come. But, right now, I gotta get to class. Bye!" I kiss his cheek and sprint down the hall towards English class.


"Hey, what are yall doing for the 3 day weekend?" I say as I sit down at my regular lunch table. Luckily, only Ryder, Marco, Kendell and Brittney are there. Alexia had a quiz to make up and Emily had started to ignore us ever since she and Marco had broken up.

"Nothing" they say in usion. We laugh and say "Well, yall wanna go to the beach?" I say and Brittney shrieks. "Ohmigod, I haven't been to the beach in forever. We should go, while the weathers good and it won't too crowded. I'm down."

"Same, I'm already mentally packing." Kendell says.

"Count us in." Marco and Ryder say in usion.

"Who else is going?" Ryder asks and I say "Us five, Dylan and maybe Emma and Josh. I still have to talk to them, but I'm not sure."

Marco nods and says "Well, who cares who's going? When are we leaving in the correct question."

"Friday, as soon as school ends. So bring your bags with you. 3 days, 2 nights." I state and they nod, absorbing this information.

"Just don't tell the others." I say quickly as Alexia enters the cafeteria.

"Okay." They say and we start eating.


"Mom, is it okay if I go to the beach for the 3 day weekend?" I say as I enter the kitchen. My mom looks up from her files and rubs her temples.

"Why not? This incedent seems like a good time to take a break from everything. Who will be going?" She says, surprising me.

"Brittney, -" I start and she smiles. She adores Brittney and she thinks Brittney is a good influence on me. If only she knew...

"Of course!" She exclaims and I nod "Thanks mom." I say and walk out the kitchen. Well that was easy...

The Bad-Boy Saw Me NakedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora