8. Car Rides & Red Umbrella's

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School days go by one after the other, each blending into the next. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. My phone now has a plethora of new numbers, Tori, Harper, Rose, Chelsea, Matt, and even Nick's (not crazy about the last two, but whatever). To think I'd be so excited about a few phone numbers, but until now mine has only had family and a few people from school that I would hang out with but not regularly.

We even have a group chat now between Tori, Rose, Chelsea and myself! Tori uses it mostly to post dumb meme's throughout the day that has all of us chuckling in the middle of class. I've learned to stop checking by now since I've gotten some annoyed glances from professors. But it's nice to have a place where the four of us talk, even if I'm not always an active participant.

Maybe it's stupid to find myself looking at my contact list and smiling but I can't help it. I'm making friends, and not the kind that I just give that title to in order to make myself feel better. No, because even in the last few days I've spent time with Tori, Chelsea and Rose during school hours. Once Harper even invited me out to eat with him and his jogging friends. Saying yes wasn't too bad of an idea even if all of them were rather rambunctious. I mostly stuck with Harper at the pizza joint, but it was enjoyable and I'm starting to feel more comfortable with people and crowds.

Yes, I'm still an anxious mess by the idea of it, but I'm learning to cope and handle some interaction from time to time. Then I need a break to recuperate, which is a lot more than what I've ever done. Maybe my college days really are looking up?

Even my schoolwork is going by well! I turned all my homework in, including the review for Freshman Seminar. Amanda did end up talking with Harper in order to finish hers. Matt seems to have finished his since he turned it in and, judging by their distance in class, he and Amanda haven't talked again. Can't blame either of them for that.

So I can conclude that my first three weeks of college has been great! Well, maybe not today, seeing as I just got off the worst shift I've ever had and it's pouring down rain and guess who doesn't have an umbrella? This unfortunate soul right here. Cue Ursula.

Scowling, I stare out the windows of Subway in my stinking work uniform to see rain drenching everything in sight. My plan is to wait except it keeps coming down and I'm exhausted. There were so many jerk customers today, and it was a freaking Sunday! Usually nothing happens on Sunday, but I had a lady come in and tell me, "Make me a tuna sub with whatever you normally put on it."

Then I proceeded to explain our damn slogan to her, "Make it your own way," and that there's no freaking "normal" way to make a sandwich. She didn't like that and my manager got called, who explained the same thing so, thanks for being a bitch, stupid lady! Then I dumped an entire batch of onions on myself, had to remake them, burnt some cookies and slipped in the backroom. Now it's raining and I'm tired, cranky, and smell like shit so cut me a break here!

Seems that won't happen though. The rain keeps coming and I've been here for 15 extra minutes. I could buy an umbrella at the gas station. By then I'll be soaked anyways, and it's not like I need an umbrella. I have one but didn't bring it today since the weather said it wasn't going to rain! Never trust the weather.

Well, I need a bath anyways. Heading to the back, I grab a plastic bag to put my wallet and phone in. It's only a 15 minutes walk. With a heavy sigh, I step outside to leave. I wait under the awning just a few moments longer in hopes it'll stop but it doesn't—

Then my phone rings.

I jump in surprise, wondering what Mom is doing already calling. She always makes sure to call on the weekends so I reach back to pull my phone out of my pocket but it isn't Mom.

It's Matt.

Matt's...calling me? What? Why? Should I answer? I'd feel like a jerk for ignoring, especially since he has never called me. It's almost worrying. Maybe he butt dialed or something.

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