The End

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"I can't believe she had nothing to do with it," Matt says after our update from the police.

"Yeah, I was thinking it would be some huge plot where she put a hit on me," I admit. "I guess we've been watching too much TV, or you've been starring in too much TV."

Matt does not laugh at my poor attempt at a joke, but I did!

"Guess so," he mumbles, falling back onto the couch to sit with me.

The cops did their investigation and discovered the group really was made up of some of Matt's crazy stalkers. Four had been a part of the assault, two of which came from out of state, so that was shocking to hear. It was more shocking to learn that Marceline had nothing to do with it...and maybe a bit disappointing. Would have been kind of neat if this event led to the discovery of some underground ring of rich people hiring hit men, but I guess the universe decided we had enough crazy in our life already.

The guy gave up his friends pretty quick once charges were threatened. Now he's apparently in tears knowing that those charges will remain. Matt is adamant that we make sure people know what happens when they cross the line. I wasn't sure at first since I'd like to have a bit less pressure, but, in the long run, pressing charges could deter future issues so I'll deal with it.

Marceline still caused trouble with that stupid interview, but Matt has reassured me that he will set things straight. He'll call her out on her bullshit, to an extent seeing as it really is no one's god damn business what our relationship is like. Matt also isn't obligated to share his entire life story to the world, and I sure as hell will never ask him to do such a thing, especially when his mental health is involved. We'll do what we can that will help the both of us. One way of doing that is being open about our relationship again at school.

"I should call Mom and tell her about the good news," I say when reaching for my phone. "She'll be relieved to know that the perps have been caught, and you may get some more brownie points with my parents."

"Good, I need them." Matt smiles when resting his head against my shoulder. "Especially when you try to convince them to let you live with me next semester."

"Don't you mean we?"

"How can I convince them?"

"Mom likes you, and Dad will too once he gets to know you."

"I don't know if they'll like me as much as I steal you away."

I roll my eyes. "It's not stealing if I'm coming willingly."

Matt chuckles.

"It may help convince them if you were to come in person," I suggest, grinning at Matt's wide-eyed expression. "You could come stay for a bit over summer vacation... i-if you want."

"You don't think your family would mind?" he asks.

"I think you would mind more. Once Bridget gets a hold of you, she'll probably have you sign stuff to sell online, maybe even request a mini photoshoot."

Matt snorts.

"Then Mom and Dad will probably walk you through memory lane--"

"Sounds great."

"Sounds like torture."

Matt shrugs, grinning at me when he says, "You suggested it."

"So you're agreeing? You'll come visit over summer vacation?"

His cheeks tint light pink when he nods. "Yeah, I'd like that."

"M-Me too."

Before the moment makes me completely forget what I wanted to do, I wave my phone, signaling I'll be calling my mom. Matt nods then rests his head on my shoulder again, going quiet while I tell Mom the good news. As expected, she's relieved. I think I hear Bridget shouting about convincing Matt to sell our love story to a movie studio in the background. Leave it to her to try and make a profit off my life.

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