10: "I like you, Silvane. A lot."

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I stuffed my swim shorts in my bag and searched for my glasses. The tournament is today and I am going to win. I just know. But I am nervous. Not about the tournament, about what I am going to do after it.

I slung my bad over my shoulder and went straight to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed an apple. I noticed the paste-it note on the fridge.

Morning, Drew. All the best for your tournament today. I'm sorry I couldn't stay to wish you in person but I had to leave for work. Hope you understand.

-love you.

It's very rare for me and mom to be home at the same time. She leaves for work before I wake up and returns after I go to sleep. My dad is always on a business trip, so it's just me. I have the house to myself. I feel lonely in this beautiful, big house of mine. Sure my parents bought me things I wanted but they don't realise that I need them, not those things. It was better when Justin was alive. We both kept each other company. That is the reason why we were so close.

After he died, I became much more lonely. But Eli made me feel good. He made me feel at home.

He felt like home.

I'm NOT going ruin all this just because of 'what others might think'. I don't care. I care about him.

And I'm going to tell him what I want.


I walked up to Eli who was waiting for me across the street. When I reached, he greeted me and started walking. He didn't say anything about what happened yesterday. He was behaving as if nothing happened. I was confused, but I walked beside him.

"You are quiet today. That's a first." Eli stated and chuckled.

"Yeah, um, I wanted to talk about yesterday--" I started and cut me off.

"Let's just forget about it. We don't have to talk about it." He said and looked down. I frowned but didn't say anything. I actually wanted to tell him that I like him before and then do it. But I guess, he'll just have to hear it then only.

As we reached he quickly took off towards his locker and I slowly headed to mine. I found my glasses in my locker. I grabbed them and went to the pool. The team was there and the coach was babbling something. I walked into the locker room to change.

After I walked out, everyone was warming up. I walked up to the coach and he smiled brightly at me.

"Hathaway, I want you to win today." He said and I smirked.

"I will." I said and he patted my back.

"Do we have a megaphone?" I asked and he frowned.

"Why do you need it" He asked.

"I...just need it. Do we have it?"

"Yeah, we do." He informed me where it was and I went to get it. I placed it on the bench in the locker room.

I then went to practice a bit. The match is an hour away. The rival schools would be arriving soon.


The whole team was chatting away in the locker room. The last match remained. We were happy because we won three out of four. If we win this last match, we will get the trophy.

I stepped out of the locker room and the crowd cheered. My eyes roamed around until I spotted him. He was sitting alone, with no one to give him company. He gave me a small smile and a thumbs up as he saw me looking at him. I grinned and went where I was supposed to stand.

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