02: "Eli Silvane, right?"

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The next day when he woke up, he didn't feel fresh as he always did. His eyes were red from all that crying. He throat was a bit sore. His heart felt empty.

He stood up and went straight into the bathroom. After showering and changing, he looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes looked terrible. He applied some concealer and went downstairs. He greeted his mom and sister as if nothing had happened. His mother and sister still wanted answers but didn't want to push the topic.

"Hey Lena, have you seen my phone?" He asks as he sits down.

"Yeah, it's right here." She stood up and took his phone from a drawer and gave it to him. He checked his phone and found 11 missed calls and 19 texts from his best friend, Tony. But none from Tyler.

"Eli, you want coffee or orange juice?" Elena's voice made him look up. He tucked his phone in his jean pocket.

"Orange juice." He replied and Elena went to the fridge to get it for him. Eli chewed the inside of his cheek.

When she placed the glass in front of him he drank it right away and got up.

"What about pancakes? They're almost ready." Elena shouted as he walked out of the kitchen.

"I'm late." He shouted back. He lied. He wasn't late at all. If anything, he was half an hour early. He took his bike and started walking. He was planning on walking to school. He didn't want to ride his bike. But he still took it with because he'll be needing it after school.

"Silvane, wait up." Someone shouted and he turned around. He squinted his eyes and found a boy waving at him across the street.

At first he couldn't recognize him but when he started crossing the street, Eli recognized him.

"Eli Silvane, right?" he asked once he reached upto him. Eli nodded. The boy grinned.

"I'm Andrew-"

"Hathaway, I know." Eli cut him off and he grinned wider.

"I thought you didn't know me." He exclaimed. Eli started walking and Andrew walked beside him.

Eli didn't answer and the boy kept talking.

"I moved across the street a day ago. I was about to open Google Maps to find my way to school when I saw you. I recognized you at one glance, you know. Only you have such pretty bag in the whole school. It makes it so easy to spot you." he explained and Eli smiled.

His backpack did make him stand out in school. It has a rainbow on it and also a stuffed unicorn. Childish but he loved it.

"Welcome to the neighborhood, I guess." Eli said and looked at Andrew who was still smiling. Does this boy ever stop smiling?

"Thanks," he said and then asked, "Can we walk to school together?"

"We are walking to school together." Eli smiled. A real smile this time.

"I mean everyday. I don't like being lonely. I tend to talk a lot. When I start talking, it doesn't actually matter what topic we might be talking about, I am unstoppable. I don't know why I do that but I keep going and going. It's like there's this button inside me which is broken and I can't turn it off. I can talk about absolutely anything. And it gets a little annoying--"

Eli chuckled. That made Andrew stop.

"I did that again, didn't I?" he sighed and Eli smiled.

"Yes. We can walk together to school." Eli said and Andrew looked up at him smiling again.

"Cool. Thanks." Eli nodded.

"I promise I won't bore you with my constant blabbering." Andrew said after a few seconds.

"No, it's fine. I actually like talkative people." Eli said.

"That's something I've heard for the first time. Everyone dislikes talkative people." Andrew snorted.

"My thoughts overpower me when in silence. Whereas talking with someone or listening to them gives me a chance to focus on their talk rather than my thoughts. It helps me because it distracts me." Eli looked down and chewed them inside of his cheek.

"How dangerous your thoughts are?" Andrew asked. Eli knew what he meant. Eli knew that he could tell him. Tell him that his thoughts haunted him. Something about Andrew was making him feel that he could trust him. But he didn't. He just smiled.

Andrew kept talking about random stuff until school came in sight and Eli kept listening. It helped him keep the toxic thoughts at bay. Andrew's talking was a great distraction. Eli's mind didn't wander off to Tyler. Or last night for that matter.

 Or last night for that matter

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So, Andrew's here. Andrew's is kind of like me lol. I tend to talk a lot too.
But sometimes I'm like Eli. Silent.

Okay you probably don't want to know that (lol)

Anyway, comment and vote.
And thank you very much for reading.

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