Chapter 10- Off Limits

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I woke up in a bad mood today. And when I say bad, I mean like I wanted to throw a punch at someone, that someone being a certain brunette named Amanda. I took a shower this morning, and I didn't have time to dry my hair if I wanted to make it in time for breakfast, which I definitely did. Food was the only good thing in my life.

Today's shift should be better than yesterday's, because I didn't have to work on the files. Instead, it was my turn to deal with customers and register which books they'd be borrowing and returning.

I normally like to bring a drink to work but Starbucks wasn't for free. I hated the fact that I had zero cash on me. I could only eat what they served at the hotel buffet, and they didn't even have ice cream! This is torture. The worst type of torture. Ice cream+me=Happiness. No ice cream= nothing to fix my mood. Guess people are going to have to deal with me being grumpy then.

As if he were reading my mind, one of the librarians walked up to me carrying three ice cappuccinos with caramel. He put a cup on each one of us receptionists' desks and walked away smiling.

"Wait, who sent those?" I called for him.

He chuckled nervously and scratched his head. "Me." He left quickly before I got the chance to say anything.

If it were just a drink, I would've believed him. But this wasn't any drink, it was my favourite, and very few people knew that.

I wanted to ask Amanda if she knew where Shawn was, but then I noticed she was missing as well. Oh she'd better not be messing with my man. I'm going to blast off on her like Ross did when someone ate his sandwich if she comes anywhere near him.

This is MY SANDWHICH bitch!

A handsome young man walked in and headed straight to the front office. I greeted him and he smiled widely.

"You seem like you're in a good mood." I commented.

"I am actually, I heard some pretty good news this morning." he exclaimed.

"Well, that makes one of us. How can I help you?" I smiled at him.

"Just looking for a good read. Any recommendations? You look like you have good taste." he flattered.

We chatted for a bit and I gave him a few suggestions. As he was about to go search for the books, we shook hands smiling at each other.

When he walked away, I saw someone watching me from a distance. It was Shawn, and he didn't look happy. He was frowning and staring at the guy I was talking to. Normally I'd enjoy making him jealous, but this time I was worried it would make him suspect that I had actually cheated on him that night.

He glanced at me and I instantly smiled at him, hoping he'd approach me, but he didn't. Seconds later Amanda walked in wearing a very short skirt. The first thing she did was run her hand through Shawn's hair, winking at him. "It was kind of messy, but I just fixed it for you. Hope that'll make up for me showing up late." And she skipped to her seat.

No one but me is allowed to touch that hair! This isn't just a random dude we're talking about, it's Shawn. MY SHAWN.

Game SO on.

He approached her and whispered something in her ear, causing her to giggle. Never in my life have I been more hurt. Not even when Kevin broke my heart. My feelings towards him were nothing compared to the ones I have for Shawn.

Didn't he read my letter? Didn't it change his mind?

I sighed and tried not to show my weakness or how much I was irritated by their exchange.

Yesterday from Shawn's POV

I couldn't sleep last night. Emma was the only thing I could think about. How could she do this to me? She had left me a letter and I read it before going to bed. I read every word over four times and I still couldn't make up my mind.

I don't know if I'm being irrational by assuming she was telling the truth. Maybe it was just because I really wanted it to be.

I should be getting ready for work right now, but I don't think I'm going to show up. Seeing her will definitely crush me even more. I don't want to cause her any pain, I know she'll be upset if I go there and ignore her.

There's just no way I could wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her like nothing happened. Even though I really wanted to. I wanted to pretend nothing happened. I wanted to undress her and throw her on the bed and kiss every inch of her body. But none of that could happen.

I decided not to go. Perhaps tomorrow would be better, we'll both have cooled down a bit. The way she kissed my hand the other night, tears filling her eyes, I hate myself for not stopping her. But then again, our break up was definitely her fault.

She clearly still has feelings for that Kevin dude, as much as she denies it, I can see the way she looks at him. It makes me want to shoot him. And when he grabbed her ass in that picture, god I want to kill him. My blood boils at the very thought of it.  Only I'm allowed to touch her like that, she's off limits.

As the sun rose the next morning, I got up quickly and got dressed up. I made sure my hair was combed to the right, a habit I took up while living with this crazy girl.

As soon as I approached the library, I saw her sitting there, with a sad look on her face. I know that look, I've seen it way too many times before. She needs caffeine. I reached for my phone and dialed Jeremy's number. He works at the top floor.

"Hey, man what's up... Oh, that's nice. Yeah I know. Hey listen could you do me a favor? I'm going to get some drinks from Tims. I need you to meet me at the door in five. All you have to do is give the drinks to the receptionists. If they ask, say that you bought them ok? Great, thanks man."

A while later, I saw him hand her the Ice cap and her face immediately lit up. I should be angry with her, but I just can't help it. Guess I'm not the type of guy to hold a grudge.

I walked in and stood in the corner as I noticed her talking to another guy. She hates dealing with customers and everyone knows that. But why was she smiling this time? Did I just hear her laugh? Did she really forget about me that soon?

They're shaking hands, that's it I'm going to kick him out if I see him glance at her one more time. Why doesn't she understand she's mine? I mean technically I dumped her but, that doesn't mean I'm ready to let her go.

Amanda walked up to me wearing a skirt that's shorter than my index. Does she know this isn't a nightclub?

"It was kind of messy, but I just fixed it for you. Hope that'll make up for me showing up late." she said as she moved a few of my hair strands to the left.

Did she seriously just touch my hair? Nobody, and I mean nobody, is allowed to touch my hair. Literally everyone knows that it annoys me when someone messes with it.

I slowly headed to Amanda's desk and whispered in her ear, "Don't ever touch my hair like that, and you'd better change that outfit if you want to keep your job."

*Hello once more, what do y'all think about Shawn's POV? It's the first time I show anyone else's POV, should I do it more often or is Emma's view better? Love you guys don't forget to vote I swear it's 4:30am right now!

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