Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

        "She's going to be fine. Go get something to eat."


        "You've been here for two days, you need to eat something."

        "I'll eat when she fucking wakes up."

        I heard a heavy voice sigh before something that sounded suspiciously like a thick door clicked close. I wanted to open my eyes, to look around, but my eyelids felt so heavy and there was something funny sticking in my nose.

        I wanted to jump in fright when I felt the familiar feel of strong and calloused fingers gently entwining with my own, but I couldn't move my own body. All I could do was breathe and listen.

        "Roza, wake up now. Please wake up, it's time to come back..." The voice was so soft, so gentle. It reminded me of hot chocolate and warm blankets, or of promises of long days staying in and watching movies. It was so familiar... but why?

        "Roza, baby flower, I'm so sorry." The pain in the familiar voice was so sad it made my heart clench. I didn't want that voice to be sad, it deserved to be happy. It deserved to be shining and laughing brightly. It didn't deserve to wallow in my pain.

        The fingers that were wrapped around mine squeezed slightly before the strong hand dragged my limp one from my side and brought it to a set of full lips that kissed its back softly.

        "I'm here, Roza. I'm right here. I won't go anywhere."




        The first thing I noticed when I woke up again was that I could wiggle all of my fingers except one. Something rather heavy was clamped onto my right pointer and it was extremely hard to move. The second thing I noticed was the uncomfortable pinch in the crook of my elbow, and the third was that there was a weird tube like thing stuck in my nose that kept blowing cold air into my nostrils.

        My head felt heavy and my body felt drained but that didn't stop me from trying to open my eyes. I blinked slowly for what felt like an eternity before my somewhat blurry vision focused on a dimly lit room with cream colored wall paper.

        It was scarily unfamiliar.

        I glanced down at my pointer finger and saw the weird pressure was in fact that oxygen thingy they put on your finger and the uncomfortable pinch in my arm was an I.V.


        Something beeping softly to my left increased its tempo as my heart raced. Was I in a hospital? Why was I here? What's going on? Where's Luce and dad? Where's Rex-

        A soft almost feather like thing brushed my finger tips as I glanced around frantically, the beeping machine only growing louder and louder as I did so. I looked down at the soft object and nearly jumped in surprise when I saw a dark head of hair laying on the bed against my hip. Rex was fast asleep beside me, his large body fitting into the crappy hospital recliner with his beautiful head resting in his arms on my bed, his feather like hair only centimeters from my fingers.

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