Chapter 38

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There's prob gonna be quite a few mistakes guys cause' I didn't edit it that well. HELLA TIRED.



Chapter 38

       Ten years ago.

       I clutched tightly onto the eleven year old Luce's hand as we stood staring at the entrance of the elementary school. I gulped. "I don't want to go Luce." I muttered quietly as her eyes darted around the parents dropping their children off.

       "Do you feel sick?" She asked softly as we watched the kids file into the school.

       No, I didn't. Not really, but every time I looked at the small group leaning against the inside entrance, my stomach twisted painfully.

       I shook my head.

       "Then you have to go, just like me."


       "No buts, Rose. Dad's busy so I have to make sure you go. No matter what."

       Dad had been busy for as long as I could remember. So busy that he hardly ever talked to me... He didn't even look at me. I squeezed my big sister's hand tighter. She sighed.

       "Come on, we'll be late."

       I tried to avoid them in class and at lunch, just like every day. But just like every day, I couldn't hide from them long enough at recess. "Hey Rose, nice cookies." My stomach flipped uneasily at the boy's voice, and the Ziploc baggie I held in my hand cringed together as my grip tightened.

       "Would you like one?" I asked softly and held my cookie up to him and his two friends, like the offer was enough to make them leave me alone.

       "Yeah I do." He snatched the cookie from my hand and shoved it into his mouth with a laugh. I frowned but didn't say anything. After all, I did offer. "Actually, I want all of them." He ripped the entire baggie from my hand and chucked it at his friends. They all laughed and shoved their grubby little hands into it.

       Tears stung my eyes.

       "Awe, look guys. Big baby Rosalyn is gonna cry again." He rubbed under his eyes and made baby crying noises. It just made mine water more. "Why do you even have these? It's not like you need them." He chucked the now empty baggie at me and his friends laughed louder as I felt my shoulders slump.

       I-I guess he was right... I was always eating something. It's not like I was hungry. I just wanted them. I pressed my hands against my stomach, tears falling onto my cheeks. Maybe I shouldn't-

       "Stop Jason."

       The three boy's laughter died almost instantly as the new voice popped their happy little bubble. I tried to wipe my eyes and push the tears down as I blinked over at the boy standing on the other side of Jason and his friends.

       I had seen him around the school at lunch time and recesses, but he was always alone. He never hung out with anyone, never even really talked. It was like he didn't have any friends.

       Like me...

       "What do you want, weirdo?" Ty, one of Jason's closest friends asked as all the boys turned to face the lone one.

His Flower ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ