Chapter 11

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Well, everything went downhill pretty fast. I'm learning to socialize with a non-human being. My heart is currently beating so hard I feel like it's going to explode. My face is so red and hot you could cook an egg on it. Pathetic. That's what I am. I can't help but act weirdly around a man, even if he is the alleged "love of my life".

Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Everything's fine now.

When I finally succeed to calm down, I slowly go back to the bedroom where stands an euphoric Ael, holding a bunch of flowers. I should precise they are fake flowers.

"My mate, I bought you flowers." Seeing my eyes wide open, he surely felt the need to give me an explanation. "I know they're fake but there is no flower left in the universe except on Earth, that's why we had to create our own kind of  flowers."

Even if I feel embarrassed to receive flowers from a man, I take them gently with the sweetest smile I can give. His eyes light up like a Christmas tree. It's so cute. No one has ever given me flowers back home... Pull yourself together Atha. Don't think about Earth. You are far from it.
I put the flowers on the nightstand. It gives the room another aspect and brightens it up. It was just plain before which was a little sad. I have to remember to decorate the room.
My daydream is stopped by a very excited Ael wearing nothing but boxers and running towards the bed. I think my eyes just popped out of their socket. My mind goes blank and I can't help but scream at the top of lungs. Why is an almost naked man running and jumping out of nowhere in the bed near me thinking it was fine ?

"Why are you screaming my love ?"

He has to understand that it's not because I've been kind and had a talk with him that I'm ready to sleep in the same bed as non-human creature.

Understanding my reasons for screaming, the colossus goes out of the bed upset. Without any further words, he walks away and throws himself on the couch.

Great. Just great. I've managed to make him angry twice today.


Hi! We hope you are doing well and that you enjoy your holiday (if you have one). As this chapter is a little short, we'll post another one on Thursday. (Little spoil: it will be Ael's POV)

Thank you so much for your votes and comments, it makes us very happy and it motivates us.

Lots of love


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