Chapter 6

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Hours passed, or was it days ? I watched the space in awe for some time but it soon got boring. It is exactly the same as on Earth: a black sky and a multitude of bright stars, flickering far away. 

I have nothing to do. In all the movies, the main character decides to search the kidnapper's stuff to learn more about him and to find a way to escape. But I won't do that. Firstly, I know who my kidnapper is. Secondly, I can't escape from this ship. The last time I checked, I can't not breath for more than one minute. Thirdly, I don't want to see Ael's stuff otherwise when he'll discover it he'll think I'm interested in him. And lastly, it's rude. Even if I got kidnapped, I remain a person with good manners.

What can I do ? While observing the room, I notice a little window hidden by a curtain. But it is way too small for me to escape: it's as big as an airplane's porthole. And even if I could escape, I wouldn't go far since I'm in the freaking space !!! However, I can still watch people living their life. It's something I used to do a lot back home. Sitting on a comfy chair, hiding from everybody and spying on my neighbors is really entertaining and reassuring. You see your life under a different angle and you start waiting for someone to deliver you from your boredom. I should find this someone otherwise I'll grow roots.

I open another curtain revealing a patio door. The view is breathtaking. The apartment overhangs a large lobby full of aliens stamping on the white floor. From there rise immense buildings made of glass. You can glimpse corridors leading to other apartments, doors, shops, restaurants and, of course, people. People. They look so happy. Couples are laughing and watching each other lovingly. There are also many groups of friends, joking around and looking carefree. This view is heartwarming yet disturbing. On Earth, people don't look as happy. Seeing this makes me want to cry. Cry for what ? I don't know.

A girl running in another corridor catches my attention.

"The papers she holds will fall in no time" I think to myself.

I soon lose track of her. A couple of minutes later, I hear her running in my corridor. I glance through the peephole and notice a paper falling down right in front of my door. I open the door and take it. What is it about ?

Sitting back on the comfy couch, I start reading this mysterious paper.

"Lesson for class 465:

Soulmates, nicknamed mates, are the best thing in life. Mates are like a best friend, a boyfriend and a mother at the same time. They listen to you like a best friend, love you like a boyfriend and take care of you like a mother. A mate is much more than just your half.

Before meeting her / him, you feel like you're 40% full. Finding your mate fulfills you by 50%. The remaining 10% correspond to the memories you'll make and the time you'll spend with her / him.

No one will ever love you as much as your mate will. (I can't wait to meet mine !!!!).

A rejection feels like poison running through your veins, your heart freezes and ultimately breaks.

The most important thing to remember is to always follow your instincts by protecting, providing whatever your mate wants and helping.

I can't wait to be loved !!!! People rejecting their mate are nothing but monsters. They should all die. We wait for our love all our life, the idea of meeting her / him is pretty much our reason to live. I already love my mate even if I've still never met him. I'm waiting for you my love, my life.

This copy belongs to Amelia Oraia."

That's it I'm a heartless monster. It's not like I care about that...but I feel bad. This man, Ael, seems to have waited for me all his life. I destroyed all his hopes of a happy life. Should I be kinder ? I mean he won't hurt me right ? That's what the paper says: he'll protect me and love me forever.

What should I do ?


Hi guys.

Hope you had a good week. Ours was very tiring like last week. 

*Smack* (we are sending you lots of love)


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