01 | Lassell

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A wave of constellation glittered in her eyes as they lit up, forcing the moons that orbited her head to pause, staring at her in complete awe.

I watched as she hastily jotted melodies and tragedies on the fragile pages of her pocketbook, painting gray emotions with the end of her graphites. My gaze traced her moon dust hair that fell to her tiny waist, to her hand as soft as enchanting clouds, catching comets and universes between her fingers.

Crossing my arms, I leaned against the class's wall, staring as she flickered her attention to the vast window, losing herself in the colorless scenery she found beautiful.

Then, from across the bustling room, she stood up, slung her bag over her shoulders before hugging onto her journal.

And I watched as she strode to the door, her head down low, approaching the exit with a mind of unspoken thoughts.

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