03 | Le Verrier

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L E   V E R R I E R


I glanced from across the room, observing her sleeping figure.

A girl who always had a pen out ready to take down notes had her head buried in the crook of her arms, passing the time through her temporary escape.

A girl with boundless dreams of reaching the moon, dancing along the roads of stars, freeing herself within a milky way of pastel hues, adoring rings of planets that circled her head, had been skipping lessons and leaving classes with an empty notebook.

Perhaps that was why she was a dreamer, sleeping her way through reality, allowing clouds to hover above her. They sent her into a spiral of confusion and welcomed her to an abyss of complete solitude.

She didn't realize that she was once a prism of joy and that her chromatic happiness had diffused across the universe's spectrum of void, filling the milky way with her blinking supernovas.

And I didn't realize that I was nothing but a nameless being who watched her slip away, crushing her dreams with the meteors of her tears.

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