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Meredith's pov:
My mates have been driving me in a different direction than I know the Volterra castle is. Strange!?
„Where are you driving? I thought you said we will go straight to your three masters to explain my gifts to them?" I ask them pretty confused.
„I called them and informed them that we would like to talk to them in private without the possibility of someone overhearing. Master aro was irritated and wanted some questions answered but I told him we will tell him everything personally as well as showing them. So he asked me to meet in an old and vacant ruin. It is far away from any possible onlookers." felix explains while keeping his eyes on the street. That does make sense I guess.
„Love you." Jane softly tells me before kissing my lips softly. Being utterly surprised at her actions, she usually isn't the one to just kiss me. Not caring though, I happily kiss her back. Wanting no, needing to be closer to her. Needing to feel her on my whole body. No idea from where my sudden neediness is coming from but I also have more important things to think and do right now. Slowly climbing on her lap, pressing my body as tightly into hers as I possibly could.
„Guys!" I hear my other three mates whine but I can't seem to stop myself right now. It's like my whole body suddenly gets lit on fire, an urge so deeply from within me overshadowing everything else. One of her hands slowly lift up my dress and slowly wanders upwards towards my most intimate spot. Two strong arms suddenly pull me away from Jane in one quick movement. Whining in pure distress! Why did they pull me away? Who pulled me away?
„It's ok love. We will take care of you after our talk with our masters." alec softly says and caresses my back in a soothing way. Still not knowing why he had pulled me off of Jane so abruptly. I look at him with a confused frown and a bit hurt that he would do that.
„We are at our destination in about three minutes. That's not enough time to show you our love. So we needed to stop Jane and yourself before you get even more carried away. Otherwise our masters might of seen you naked and that is an absolute no go!" alec softly explains, making three furious growls come out of my other mates at the mention of someone seeing me without any clothes.
„But after we finish our explanation, we are going to make up for it. That's a promise princess!" Felix says from the front seat. The promise in his voice makes me shudder in awareness. I can't wait for this meeting to be over!! The car stopped in front of a run down ruin. A few lights however make it look mysterious and cool in some way. We slowly walk towards the arena area where the three kings were already waiting for us. To the side four other guards where standing, they however leave right away to my utter relief.
„It's good to see the five of you back in Italy again. But I do have to say that felix got me pretty interested in what you all need to tell us of." aro says with his usual wide smile and sparkling eyes. Caius and Marcus watch us closely as well as nodding along with aro's statement.
„So, who wants to tell me what's going on?" aro goes on, expectantly reaching his arm out towards us. Waiting for one of us to show him. Stepping forward a bit, bitting my lips in worry. The arousment now fully gone, instead the worry from the whole day clashes back right into me.
„While we stayed at my family's place, I found the courage to show my mates my gifts." I slowly start, not looking at anyone.
„I thought your gift is to look like a human?" Marcus soft voice asks me. Seemingly picking up my nervousness already.
„That's one of my gifts. The others are the reason I was hidden my whole existence. My family were the only ones that knew of the others. They all were afraid that I might get targeted when someone else would find out about them." I answer him, quickly peeking at the three that seem to be staying calm. Patiently waiting for me to go on with my explanation.
„It's hard to explain it." I whisper unsure. Feeling my mates getting closer towards me makes me relax a bit. Knowing that as long as they stay near me nothing would happen to me.
„Could I show them with your help?" I ask my mates. Alec right away stands himself a bit more to the side before nodding at me.
„Try to make me unconscious please." I tell him much to everyone's astonishment. Alec however seems to quickly understand why I tell him to do so. He send me a small wink and than the fog starts to come out of his hands. Holding up one of my hands to him, quickly freezes him up in time. The fog stops midair now that he isn't able to do anything about it. I hear three surprised gasps from the three kings.
„So you can freeze up time?" caius asks me with wonder and a proud glint in his eyes.
„Exactly, that's one of them." I say before unfreezing Alec once again. He looks a bit irritated before coming towards me to kiss my lips softly.
„Thank you for helping." I softly say making his smile widen even further.
„Anytime my love!" he says and takes his place next to Jane once again.
„That is an extremely powerful gift my dear! And very rare as well. I have never heard from someone with that gift ever before!" aro says in pure excitement. Nodding at him in acknowledgment.
„My other gift is just as unique, at least that's what Carlisle has told me." I say looking around in search for something I could show my gift on without hurting anyone. Slightly behind the kings were a few large stones, just like back in Forks I lift my hand up. The stones lift themselves from the ground and when I open up my fist they rip apart before grumbling towards the ground yet again. Not hearing any reaction on my show makes me even more nervous. That quickly changes though when I hear aro start to clap his hands in joy!
„Amazingly done dear!! It's really astonishing what awesome gifts you have! No wonder your family hid you for so long. I do hope you know that we as well as your mates and your family will do our bests to keep you safe." he honestly says and I feel relief washing over my frigid nerves like warm water.
„Thank you! That means a lot to me." I answer him after releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now